Smart Advertiser At Work and The New Theme

Well, it didn’t take long for a new advertiser to take advantage of the new theme. Cash Quests noticed the new look has a popular articles section and went immediately to take advantage of it by purchasing Post Level Text Link Ads on three of those articles.

A Post Level TLA cost $5 to $10 per month depending on the PageRank of the post. When you take into account how much traffic those pages will receive because they’re listed in the popular articles, Cash Quests made a great “thinking outside the box” move. I was wondering who would be the first to put post level links on those posts and now I know. And yes, one of the reasons for the popular articles is to help drive post level ad sales. 😈

This Is A Make Money Online Blog

For those complaining that this blog is trying to make too much money, what do you think drives traffic here? The more money this blog makes, the more traffic it gets. The old theme was stuck at $12,500 a month and I wasn’t going to break out of that unless I do a redesign. This is all part of the make money online process. I didn’t do a redesign for the sake of a redesign.

It’s Down by 120 Pixel


A few readers have commented that the new theme pushed the content way down. The content has been pushed down, but not by as a much as people seem to think – it’s down by 120 pixel. However, because the new look is busier at the top, it looks like the content is down by more than it really is.

Nate Whitehill actually made a theme without the Zonda F. That would have put the content higher than the last theme. However, it just didn’t look right without the supercar. Nate will be going over the theme one more time to do some code clean up and correct some formatting errors (like the side scroll).

The theme is designed for viewing at 1024×768. If you can’t see the first post without scrolling it means you should consider getting a higher resolution monitor. It just so happens I am giving one away. Not only am I giving away a 24″ wide screen LCD but I’m including a signed copy of The 4-Hour Workweek as well.

Thanks everyone for the comments on the new theme. We will be using them to further improve the blog.