Two Cool Words To Get More Retweets On Your Tweets

If you’ve not been using twitter to engage your target audience and promote your blog, you’re making a big mistake.

But this post is not about getting twitter followers or getting into social media generally.

Instead, I want to quickly show you how to motivate your followers to retweet your tweets easily. Now, these methods have been scientifically proven and it works.

However, bear in mind that a lot of changes are going on. In fact, the trends on twitter are shifting tremendously. Keep abreast of what is happening but take action on these 2 ways to get more Retweets.

The first powerful way to get more retweets is to…

1.       Include the word “Retweet” on your tweet

How does this work? Simple. When you share your post on twitter, the shortened way to ask readers to please retweet your post is to use “RT.” But studies have shown that if you can spell out the word please “Retweet”, you’d get inspire more followers to share it.

The study showed that brands that include the word “Retweet” on their tweets gets 12x more responses than those who didn’t.

See, this is not going to cost you money to implement and don’t question it. Just go and give it a try and let’s see whether it would work for your type of business or not.

2.       Tweets with the word “free” gets more Retweets

Even in real life, the word “free” is so powerful to the extent that it’s even become a cliché and when you use it on your autoresponder follow up email subject line, it gets flagged.

When you add the word “free” to your tweet (tweeted post) a lot more people will be interested in helping you distribute the campaign because you didn’t ask them for any money.

Your followers would be more than willing to share with their own followers on twitter and even cite the tweet on their post.

I could recall back in 2011 when I hosted a seminar in my town that pulled 152 attendees with no single paid advertisement. I simply told a few friends and because it was ‘free’ my friends went on to tell their friends and that was it.

But don’t go overboard with this. Use ‘free’ with caution. Use on tweets, blogs, articles, video, or facebook , but be cautious in order to still retain its potential.

I’ve a confession to make…

I admit. I’ve not really been actively involved with twitter. I had my reasons though, but I think the time to invest 30 minutes daily to twitter marketing is come. What about you? Share your valuable comment below and let’s get the tweets going. Thank you.