The New & Improved AuctionAds

The takeover of AuctionAds by MediaWhiz is starting to take effect. The big eBay affiliate has released a new “Web 2.0” ad format.

Login to your AuctionAds account and go to the “Get Code” page. You will notice a sleek new ad design with multiple color schemes to choose from. AuctionAds believes the new creatives will increase click-through rates.

The new ads are certainly more colorful. However, they don’t conform to any standard Internet advertising banner size. It will be interesting to see how web publishers integrate the new units into their blogs. Those who don’t like the new AuctionAds Web 2.0 looks can continue to use the old banners.

I will be running AuctionAds next month as part of my continued drive to eliminate Google AdSense from this blog. While I am interested in finding out how the new AuctionAds ad units will perform, their non-standard sizing forces me to use the old banners. The old ads allow for a much higher level of customization. I have controls over the border, background, heading, description and link colors. The “New & Improved” format offers very limited customization.

What do you think of the new AuctionAds ad units? Will you be running the new creatives on your blog?