What’s holding you back from achieving tremendous success as a blogger?
What’s on your mind right now?
Do you think you need more information before launching your blog or stepping out to do a task that can earn you some extra bucks?
You can’t always be right with your thoughts – but we’d see about that.
Waiting can be dangerous
How would you feel if you’re disappointed at the end of the day, despite the long hours of waiting for the right time?
Come to think of it, is there really a right time? Most people who succeeded online didn’t have to wait for the cock to crow, they simply plunged in.
No long stories or questions. Starting something is often the most difficult – do you agree with me?
Keep learning on your way to the top
Learning is for a lifetime.
There is so much you can learn by starting. The most precious diamonds were found when miners started. When it comes to making money online, wishing is for lazy pals.
Stepping out to do what you’ve been called into is the only key, which can unlock the door of increase.
The information you need to get started on your way to the top is available. Is it targeted traffic or lucrative money making model; you already have the basic knowledge. And that’s enough to bring you to a point where you’ll crave for more information.
Get started today and if you don’t know the basics yet, a quick search on Google or credible blogs like John Chow would surprise you. Keep learning on your way to the top.
That ‘day’ may never come   
Is there really a better day to launch your first digital product or pitch a guest post idea to an A-list blogger? I don’t think so.
Although, we make plans and order our lives and business the way they should go – but they don’t always turn out perfect.
Getting started is the most difficult phase.
If you’re a blogger, updating your blog daily may not be difficult, especially now that guest bloggers are everywhere.
What about improving your writing skills?
There was a time in my life when I was so scared to write simple articles.
I was careful of what people would think. I was afraid of rejection.
I sabotaged my life. Truth be told, everyone will not like your writing. No matter the quality of your writing , you MUST be prepared for a serious slap. But be motivated by those who cherish your work.
They’re so precious to your business – learn from those who don’t appreciate the long hours of hard work you put into writing, creating, networking and move on. Cheer up. Be steadfast. Don’t give up!
I will build my email list soon
Have you ever said that to yourself?
“When my blog’s readership grows, then I’ll start collecting leads for email marketing.†Learn more here.
Unfortunately, growing a popular blog doesn’t happen overnight. So, does is mean you’ll never collect leads and build a relationship with those who already respect your opinions?
I’ve failed twice as an email marketer. Why? I didn’t know how to write subject lines and build a cognitive brand. I ditched a list of 478 subscribers and waited for a pat on my shoulder to begin again.
Few months later, I started collecting fresh leads and failed the second time. But now, I know what email marketing is and can boldly tell you the ins and outs. But you must get started. Eh, you’re scared of failing?
Well, failure isn’t the end of the road for internet marketers. In fact, it’s actually the beginning of great things in your life.
If you fail, you’d master an art that you can use to transform your blog into a money sucking machine. But you must get started on that project first.
What is stopping you?
Some folks have lots of reasons why blogging cannot work for them. Someone said to me a couple of days ago, “I’ve tried to build a profitable blog but it didn’t work.â€
Sure, there are many factors to growing a resourceful blog. And I quite understand the pains of not seeing results. Successful bloggers have stories of pain and struggle. You’re not the only one. Or are you?
Stop tagging yourself as the ‘black sheep.’ If you stick around for a while, you could win. Don’t you think so?
Take action now!
Go and write the first page of your e-book.
Stop procrastinating and start doing. The difference between someone who makes $10,000 and another person who is broke isn’t experience or sheer luck, it’s ACTION. If you don’t DO it, nothing will happen.
Great talents, awesome skills and extraordinary writing style die because people like to live in their comfort zones. What you may not know is that real pleasure lies in what you DO, not what you wish you had done.
Stop waiting. Just do it!
Photo Credit: Bigstockphoto.com: business woman sitting on clock