One Simple Secret To Become A Productive Blogger

What’s your greatest blogging challenge?

I’ve interviewed more than 15 bloggers and I discovered that productivity is what they’re battling with daily.

The internet has ushered bloggers into a new realm of endless opportunities, but it’s also caused a lot of failures for most people – even though they don’t realize this.

I know a lot of people who did so well offline, with their businesses, and decided to expand their frontiers.

But before they realized it, they got distracted and started engaging in irrelevant activities.

The truth is, if you can challenge yourself to become productive, then you’ll never worry about generating blog readers, building an active community or making money.

Maybe you’ve an idea that could shake the world, through your blog, but something is stopping you from taking action. You need to wake up right now.

If there is a magic bullet to build a profitable blog, John Chow would have revealed it to you, since he’s the expert.

But I don’t think there is. Despite his long list of speaking engagements, John is very productive on his blog. He still writes quality content and sets up blog for readers.

A quick action exercise:

Before I reveal the one-secret to become productive in your blogging career, I want you to quickly do something right now.

Don’t worry; it’s not going to be hectic, just a change in your thought pattern and how you organize yourself.

Each time you wake up in the morning, what exactly is your first assignment? If you think hard, you’d realize that you’ve been doing a similar task every morning. For most bloggers, this has become a reflex action.

Yes, setting goals and having a clear plan to achieving them is crucial. But if you don’t do it the day before, you’d miss out on the juice.

I have a blogger friend, who is so skilled when it comes to search engine optimization. I’ve seen him take 4 new wordpress blogs in 2012, and pushed the vital pages to Google’s top 10 within 6 months.

No blackhat SEO tricks whatsoever. Yes I know what you’re thinking…

But recently, he no longer works hard. He procrastinates and this has really affected his income. I don’t know what your challenge is, but I’m sure this sad story resonates with you.

Now that you’re pondering over your early morning assignment as a blogger, let’s unravel the ONE productivity secret.

“Write in the morning”

write in the morning

I must confess, I just started using this secret in December when I read it up from a book. But it’s changed my life.

The most important work to do as a blogger is to write. I didn’t say it’s the only task when you’re running a blog, but writing is the #1. Marketing is #2.

Yes, you need to market yourself, your blog and social profiles. But how on earth are you going to achieve this if you don’t like to write?

More so, writing quality content consistently can actually increase your organic traffic. It’s become my lifestyle now.

When I wake up in the morning, after appreciating God for a new dawn, I’d boot my laptop and start writing. And I’m enjoying this new experiment. You should try it.

But guess what? I had already planned my content in the night, before going to bed. This way, I’m better equipped with ideas and writing wouldn’t be a hassle anymore.

A lot of people might have excuses why they MUST not write at least 800-word post in the morning, and I quite understand.

I had all my reasons too, but I decided to turn my ‘excuses’ into uses. And today, I handle a lot of my clients’ writing projects, and my blog is growing at the speed of inflation.

Knowing when to read and what platforms to on would be beneficial as well. For me, reading on my PC distracts me, but when I read on my Kindle paperwhite tablet, it’s a lot easier and fun.

Your blog can grow when you spend adequate time in the morning, to write.

Mind your business!

Yes, I’m talking to you. It’s time to mind your business. I see a lot of bloggers getting so engrossed on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and the likes.

Except Mark Zuckerberg is your friend, I see no reason why you should salute his ‘platform’ every morning.

Yes, social media networks great platforms to further reach your target audience, but making it your topmost priority in the early hours of the day can bring your blog down to zero level.

Tweeting and sharing according to recent studies are effective at noon, and also, between the hours of 3.00pm and 5.00pm.

What about checking your email inbox before writing? I don’t think it’s a good idea, too. Write first, even if you don’t proofread or publish the article. Afterward, log in and check your inbox.

It’s your turn

If you’re ignorant of anything, you’re a slave to it. The first week I started writing in the morning, my daily hit went up. My comment counts increased from 5 – 30 and it’s become the norms at my blog recently.

Do what’s important. Yes, use social media networks as a marketing platform, but don’t forget to mind your own business.

Have you tried my little productivity secret before? Please share your comment below. See you at the top!

Photo Source: Franciso_Osario