One Simple Idea To Grow Your Blog’s Traffic

You need targeted traffic to grow your blog.

Maybe you’ve tried your possible best to increase your blog’s readership, but failed, I’ve a simple tip for you right now.

The idea in this post is so simple to implement.

Of course, you need to be consistent and add a personal touch as well.

The simple idea is “comments.”

Were you expecting a magical idea? But, merely leaving comments wouldn’t drive traffic to your blog. In fact, it can be a waste of time if you ignore the rules (they’re easy).

I want to quickly show you how to write quality comment, so that people can actually visit your website.

Commenting is an integral part of blogging. I can recall vividly how I felt years ago, when my blog posts weren’t attracting commenters.

Even though comments are not a reliable metric, to indicate that a blog is truly growing, it can boost your ego as a blog owner.

On the other hand, when you leave a comment on blogs, it can mean a lot to fellow bloggers and the owner. But in order to position your comments and attract clicks, follow these 3 simple tips:

1.      Be the first to comment

comment first

How do you ensure that your comment is the first on a popular blog?

The first thing you MUST do is subscribe to top blogs in your niche. As a rule of thumb, subscribe to 5 top blogs with thousands of daily hits, email subscribers and social media fans.

When you subscribe, it means that you’d get notified each time a new post is published. Without this notification on your inbox, you’d always miss out on the benefit, no matter the VALUE of your comment (when it’s appears at #20).

If you don’t want to clutter your primary email, you could register a new Gmail account and use it to subscribe.

I’ve actually generated over 60 readers to my blog within 12 hours of being the first person to leave a comment at In order not to abuse this privilege, see next line…

2.      Contribute to the post

There is no guarantee that when your comment appears at the top, you’d drive hundreds of visitors to your website.

Haven’t you seen web pages that showed up #1 in Google, but barely get clicks? For the organic listing, the headline is the determining factor. But for comments, it’s the value you provide that would determine what happens to it.

Your comment is supposed to be a form of contribution to the post. Too often, commenters would type in “thank you for this post” and expect people to visit their website.

It’s never worked that way, and never would. When a blogger posts an article, he or she doesn’t necessarily want a thank you.

The blogger wants to hear from you. Because you’re a part of the blog and the very reason why they posted the piece in the first place.

A thank you wouldn’t suffice, but a question or contribution would. The length of the comment also matters. I’d encourage you to write a not-less-than-100 words comment. It can make a lot of difference and generate targeted clicks on your website.

3.      Be personal (robots can’t)

Personality is what differentiates successful bloggers from others. If you’re a social media blogger, with an exact domain name, please don’t use it like that. When I wrote the Kindle HD review the other day, I used personal touches to write the review and called to action early. Did you know that my conversion rate increased. You should do the same thing.

You should use your real name or you’d be seen as a robot. Because robots can’t display any personal attribute. I’m sure you’ve seen a lot of these robots on your blog, recently?

Tell your story in the comment. Your comment needs to be somewhat lengthy. But don’t forget, quality always trump quantity.

It’s good to write at least 100 words in the comment box, but focus on quality. Ideally, share your personal experience in about two sentences. Then find a way to bridge your experience with what the author had in mind.

Most people make terrible mistakes in their comments. They scan, instead of reading through the entire post.

If the post is lengthy, you might read the first and second paragraph, leave a comment and then, come back later to finish the article. This is important – so that your comment can make impart.

Wrapping it up

Writing a valuable comment on a blog that receives thousands of daily hits can boost your own traffic, especially when it appears at the top.

Don’t subscribe to more than five top blogs at this stage, so you don’t burn out. Take baby steps and you’d enjoy rich visitors.

And don’t forget, commenting isn’t a substitute for guest blogging or social media marketing.

If you write a valuable comment and it appears at the top on sites like smartpassiveincome, thinktraffic, copyblogger, socialtriggers and the likes, you’re in for free targeted traffic. What has commenting done for your blog in terms of traffic generation?

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