Miscellaneous Happenings On The Net

Win The MS Zune That I Gave Away

Remember that 30GB Microsoft Zune that I gave away in a blog contest that was won by Ms. Danielle? Well, it turns out she doesn’t want it either and is giving it away in another blog contest to promote her new blog site. I wonder if I can win it back? With my luck, you shouldn’t bet against me. 😈

The King Is In The House

King Nomar (I wonder if he’s a real king?) gave me the heads up on his newest Internet venture, 9mb.com. It’s a webmaster’s forum. To kick it off the ground, the king is hosting a $200 contest plus opportunities to win free advertising. Everyone loves free advertising. King Nomar currently holds the record for sending me the most beer. The least I can do is give him a plug in return.

John Chow dot Com Dissected

Tyson over at Some Make Money has done a pretty amazing break down of my monthly blog income. Check out this highly detailed and easily understandable graph. :mrgreen:


Tyson’s dissection is a multi-part series. The first part, length of my blog posts is up now. Future post will dissect frequency of posts and linking strategy. It should be an interesting read.

Tyson also came across an interesting Google ad with the headline that states, “John Chow Is Old News.” I didn’t know I was new news.

What Is Your Contingency Plans?

Community Spark is asking if you have a backup plan in case your blog bites the dusk. A contingency plan is something very few of us think about. However, if you depend on your blog as an income source, then you better have some kind of plan in place.

The server that house John Chow dot Com has two drives that mirror each other. If one drive goes bad, it automatically switches to the back up drive. In addition, there is an off site tape backup system that makes a weekly backup of the blog. I also have a copy of the blog on my home computer and my flash drive.

While Community Spark’s article talks about contingency plan for your web hosting, they also discuss contingency plans for revenue streams and software. It’s well worth the read.

John Chow dot Com FeedCat

I’ll file this one under the really strange department. Alex Martínez of AlexSEO.com has turned my RSS feed (which you should subscribe to so I can break 6,000) into a bunch of kitty pictures. I’m sure cat lovers will appreciate it.