Are you ready to build hundreds of backlinks?
This post is going to guide you. There are lessons to be learnt and steps to be taken.
Don’t assume that you’ve mastered everything about link building, because in the real sense of it, you’re just beginning. Yes baby!
For most bloggers, the only thing stopping them from making money online is the fact, that their blog pages don’t have enough external links.
No referral traffic, little or no organic traffic, coupled with their hard-to-spell domain names.
After optimizing your blog pages and content with the right keywords, the NEXT step is to get good links to it.
And contrary to opinions you’ve held dear to your heart, you don’t have to use tools or trickery to acquire links. Don’t get me wrong, some software tools can seem natural, but the question is, how do I recognize them? To be on a safer side, keep off.
What is a good link?
In 2010, when I started building niche sites, I thought I needed thousands of links to rank highly on search engines. But I was 100% wrong. When I started studying helpful materials and listening to industry experts, I realized that one good link can weigh more than 10 mediocre links.
So, how do you get a good links?
The truth is, you can’t control who links to your website. But you can control where you drop your links.
A good link appears natural, not squeezed or padded into the content. It’s like you never really wanted to add the link, but somehow, it just had to fall in. This means that using link exchange sites can be detrimental to your site’s health.
A few months ago, a handful of bloggers contacted me. Guess what? They wanted me to link back to them, and they’d reciprocate the link love. Aha, you got that feeling, right?
In a nut shell, this is link exchange at its very best. Google Panda updates are being rolled out regularly. You can’t afford to stake your blog’s future on the platter of exchange sites.
A good link is that which comes from an active site – a site that is updated regularly and is free from Google’s ban tag. You’ve to know that some popular sites are already in Google’s ban list. Sooner or later, you’ll hear the ugly news.
Now that we’re done with building good links to your blog, let me show you the one proven way to automate your link building without using software. Are you ready?
Write cornerstone content     
Blogging is basically powered by content. But realize that all content are not created equal. We’ve various forms of content.
We’ve the articles, videos, podcasts, webinars, white papers and so on.
If you want your blog to become a link-magnet, start by adding various forms of content on a regular basis.
That is, don’t solely write articles. Start creating videos and podcasts.
This way, people who don’t like reading can listen or watch. It’s basically the same thing.
What I usually do is engage my readers with a powerful headline. Then, build interest with a video and use podcast to engage readers.
You know, when someone is listening to a lovely music, they’d grin from chin to chin. I’m sure you’ve done that countless times?
They want to get the words, the lines, the vigor and the message. You can’t always write cornerstone content, but when you do, promote it actively on Facebook, Twitter, and watch natural links flow like a broken jalopy. But don’t worry, you can handle it. I trust you. Lol!
Magnet quality links with cornerstone content
It takes time to write quality content. Because the research, the brainstorming, the editing, proofreading and writing can drain you.
And this is why getting quality links to your blog pages is very difficult. Of course, if you want 20 links, you can get it today, but I can imagine the strength of the links.
I know a blogger who has built over 2000 links, but yet, his ranking is nowhere near the first page in Google search. Why? Because the links aren’t good. When I asked questions, I realized once again that 20 quality links are better than 2000 generic links.
Why do people naturally link to cornerstone content?
The same reason why people buy what they can get for free – convenience.
Since it takes eons of time to research, write, edit, proofread and promote cornerstone content, most bloggers are too lazy to pull a sit and do it. They can talk about link building, but few people have the guts to start right now.
Consequently, when other people stumble on an epic content, they’d immediately share it with their social media fans. They’d cite it on their blog posts and send it to their email subscribers.
Cornerstone content also can go viral, thereby sending hundreds if not thousands of natural links to your blog pages.
Are you chasing links?
Today, a lot of bloggers are just looking for loopholes to build thousands of links on autopilot. I can envisage a new Google update, which could breed more havoc for website owners. Don’t go chasing the next “link building wave.â€
The best time to MIND YOUR BUSINESS and allow other people to build links for you is NOW. When will you sit down and improve your blog’s content? Your readers are waiting to help you build good links. Start today?
What link building strategy do you use? Please share your comment below. See you at the top!
Photo Credit: Modern earth