Blog Income Report – November 2007

It’s the start of the month and that means it’s time once again to find out how much John Chow dot Com made the month before. For some reason, the income report is always my most popular post of the month. There are two ways to look at this. One, it’s a good way to start a new month on a high note or, two, it’s all downhill after this post (until next month anyway).

These income reports came about because of a case study I started way back in September 2006. I wanted to see if money can be made by blogging and using this blog as a test case seem logical. Before September, John Chow dot Com was simply a personal blog for me to ramble about whatever was on my mind and didn’t make any money.

The blog made $352.94 in its first month as a monetized blog and by November 2006, it pulled down $2,139.93. Last month, the blog did a record $23,448.59 and I’m sure everyone is wondering if that record got broken. Here’s your answer.

Total Blog Income for November 2007: $27,240.83

November is traditionally the best month for making money on the Internet and it was certainly the best month this blog has ever experienced. It’s amazing to think that only one year ago, the blog made “only” $2,13.93. Here is the income breakdown.

  • Private Ad Sales: $12,854.84
  • Affiliate Commissions: $6,579.67
  • ReviewMe: $4,400.00
  • Text Link Ads: $2,012.66
  • Kontera: $1,000.00
  • TTZ Media: $348.50
  • Subscription: $40.00
  • ShoppingAds: $5.16
  • Grand Total: $27,240.83

Blog traffic held steady at 323,572 page views from 185,386 visitors, according to Google Analytics. If you take the blog page views and divide it by the blog income, you get a site wide eCPM of $84.19. That means this blog makes over $80 every time 1,000 pages are viewed, or over 8 cents per page. How much would your blog be making if you can achieve this level of eCPM?

The high eCPM rate was achieved by maximizing as many revenue opportunities as possible while still preserving the user experience.This blog started with only Google AdSense. Since then, I have experimented with dozens of monetization methods. Some have worked really well while others were a complete flop. The key is to always be tweaking and not stand still. If you haven’t touch up your revenue mix in the past six months, it’s time to get your hands dirty. If you don’t have a revenue mix, then check out my recommended money makers to see what ad networks I used to produce all this income.

Blog expense for the month include $566.52 for Google Adwords advertising and $25 for a private ad. Hosting for John Chow dot Com is sponsored by BlueFur Web Hosting. Use coupon code JohnChowRocks for 15% off any BlueFur hosting packages. However, the coupon doesn’t work for their current $10 for 1 year hosting deal because it’s a super deal already.

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I highly recommend you sign up for the John Chow dot Com newsletter (sign up form at the top of the page). Not only is the newsletter free but you’ll also get my eBook, Make Money Online with John Chow dot Com, for free when you sign up. Every time I post an earnings recap, I get bombarded with emails from readers asking how I did it and how they could do it too. Many of these questions have already been answered in the eBook, which comes with a 1 million times your money back guarantee. Please read it before sending me your questions.

I do not expect to beat the November income this month. December is good for the first three weeks but it’s pretty dead in the last week because of Christmas and New Year’s Eve. However, this doesn’t mean I’m not going to try. ๐Ÿ˜ˆ