Today I passed the 4,000 member mark in my AGLOCO network. As I write this post, I am sitting at 4,044 sign ups. That’s a 433 member increase since my last update five days ago. The increase level of daily sign ups may have something to do with the pending arrival of the Viewbar – it’s expected to be available for download at the end of this month or early next month.

I am quite happy with the current growth of the network. Right now, it’s pretty much on autopilot. The direct and extended referrals have taken over. The network will keep growing even if I do nothing. That is the cool thing about the AGLOCO business model – you do the work once and you could get paid for it for the rest of your life.
The State Of AGLOCO
AGLOCO currently has about 180,000 members in the network. I found this out by getting the referral ID of the last person who signed up in my network. AGLOCO started their member drive at BBBB. They are now BBBS. Every letter represents 10,000 members. That is really amazing growth for a company that is barely two months old and haven’t release their product yet.
The AGLOCO company blog states they have over 30,000 “founding members.” A founding member is anyone who has referred another member. Let’s do the math; out of 180,000 members, only 30,000 has signed up another person. Sounds depressing doesn’t it? Not at all. This is right inline with the 80/20 rule which states 80% of all work is produced by the top 20%. It’s also good news if you’re a founding member because you don’t have that much competition, yet.
The Business Model Of The Future
AGLOCO has generated its share of good and bad press. It doesn’t matter which side of the fence you’re on. The Internet business model of the future is all about revenue sharing and empowering users. YouTube recently announced plans turn their video sharing site into a revenue sharing site which will give YouTube users a share of the ad money their videos produced.
When you think about it, this makes perfect sense. It’s the users that made YouTube what it is today, but when they were brought out by Google for $1.65 billion, it was the founders who made all the money – the users got nothing. OK, they got their videos hosted for free but look how much the founders made off those videos! $1.65 billion isn’t pocket change.