Quality Over Quantity – Lost Over 200 BlogRush Blogs

BlogRush has finished cleaning their network of undesirable blogs and I’ve lost over 200 blogs in my network alone.

We just completed our Quality Control audit. You will now notice that all non-English, spam, and low quality blogs (or others that didn’t meet all of our guidelines) are GONE from appearing in your widget. We removed over 10,000 blogs from our network.

Over 10,000 blogs removed! Man, that’s just nuts. All this could have been avoided if BlogRush had some kind of minimum entrance requirements and manual checks in place. However, this “accept anyone and everyone” business model seems to be the norm today. In order to build a big a network as possible, many ad networks will have absolutely no entrance requirements. I don’t believe in that. If you let in every site without a quality check, you’re just asking for trouble and that’s what happen to BlogRush. I can see this happening to some ad networks as well.

For example, WidgetBucks just announced that they’re canceling all Non English blogs. All this could have been avoided if they had just concentrated on quality instead quantity. Now, they have a bunch of pissed off Non English sites that gave them clicks but won’t ever be paid because they didn’t hit the $50 payout limit.

One of the main reasons TTZ Media has minimum requirements and manual checking on all sites is because we want to maintain quality. The quality of a network is determined by the quality of the sites in the network. If all the sites in it are junk, so is the network.

The removal of over 200 blogs from my BlogRush network had an effect on my network credits. I was getting almost 150,000 credits per day. It’s now down to about 100,000 per day. However, traffic quality should increase tremendously. How many blogs, if any, did you lose in your BlogRush network?