PayPerPost Buys Performancing – Part Of It Anyway

TechCrunch is reporting that PayPerPost, the company that stirred up a lot of controversy when it launched, is buying the Performancing blog network. At first it was reported that PayPerPost wanted the perfromancing ad network only. However, the company press release shows that is not the case.

Through its purchase PayPerPost gains a number of powerful blogger support tools including Performancing Metrics, the leading, free blog analytics service, and Performancing Exchange, an online “classifieds” for bloggers.

A check of the Performancing website confirms PayPerPost did not purchased the ad network. In today’s blog post, Nick Wilson writes:

This does not include the Partners ad network, and does not include PFF, our free blog editor for firefox. Details will go out shortly, but the bottom line is that we’ll be moving those parts of Performancing to new domains and new brands.

PayPerPost buying a stat tool is definitely not as exciting as PayPerPost buying an ad network. Performancing has 28,000 users in their network. That’s a lot of bloggers for PayPerPost to sell paid posts to. And it looks like they’re going to try and do that.

In the spirit of maximizing value for existing Performancing members, PayPerPost has created an ad opportunity at specifically for existing Performancing Metrics members to review the Performancing Metrics and Performancing Exchange platforms on their blogs and get paid for doing so.

If you’re a Performancing Metrics user, here’s your chance to make some money writing about something you already use. Of course you have to sign up for PayPerPost in order to do this. ๐Ÿ™‚

You can check out my PayPerPost advertising experience here.