One POWERFUL Idea To Earn Consistent Income Online

In 2012, my earnings online were not consistent!

In August, I earned $754.22 from affiliate offers I was promoting and in September, I earned less than $450.

Then in October, I was lucky enough to earn a little about $500.

As you can see, I was doing something wrong. If I had known the basic rules at the time, instead of my income going down – it should have increased. What do you think?

I may not know what you’re thinking right now about this post, but it’s going to change your approach to any type of business model you choose. It’s a promise!

There is a way to make good money online. When you understand how it works and plunge your mind and efforts into it, the money you need can come so fast.

This is no hype and I don’t intend to make it sound so rosy – but earning $10k is possible online if you press the right buttons. Which buttons?


Working hard is not the problem

Sure, I believe so much in hard work. In fact, when I coach people on how to make a living online, I tell them to always work hard.

But the reason why a lot of people don’t make at least $3k per month isn’t because they’re lazy or watch movies all the time. Most of these people work tirelessly and this has become their second nature. The problem is how you work hard, not the work itself.

You see, when my income went down the drain, I thought that hard work would save me. Y

es, I started to write articles, do press releases, participate in forum posting and did a bunch of crazy SEO just to get the traffic I needed. Sure, I did get the traffic, but it didn’t convert. Was I lazy or stupid?

The problem is, I haven’t discovered the ONE powerful way of earning consistent income on the internet. If you’re blind to what am about to unveil, I beg you to take it to heart and run with it. It can save your blog, business and life. Enough, what is it…?

“A simple system”

There you’ve it, a simple system is ALL you need to succeed online and make loads of cash. If you’ve it, you can venture into affiliate marketing and make money.

You can create your own product and sell thousands of it within the first few months. You can also attract prospects to your freelance business and convert them.

When I discovered the power of a system, everything about me changed. My earnings increased in the first month and I didn’t have to jump from one business model to the other. All right, I know the question you’ve in your mind right now – let me answer it.

What is a simple system?

You know what “simple” is, right? All right, according the Encarta Dictionary, “a system simply means way of proceeding: a method of procedures for achieving something.”

Does this definition make sense to you? I decided to add “simple” in order to clarify what type of system you should aim for. Because some systems are too complicated – for you and your target audience.

Once you can identify and build a simple system for making money online, it’d be easy for you to achieve your goals. For instance, the way I go about affiliate marketing is thus:

  1. Identify a rabid niche
  2. Pick a profitable and hot product
  3. Build a niche site around the product name
  4. Write 40 quality articles in 30 days targeting the long-tail keywords
  5. Monetize the niche site in the second month
  6. Add an optin box and start building a list
  7. Build relevant high PR links

Now, did you see that? This is a simple system that anyone can follow. I only laid out my simple system for affiliate marketing and it works like crazy.

Even if you’re not an affiliate marketer (but why not), formulate a system you can follow – a kind of principles to guide you. This way, you’ll not be jumping from one idea to another – trying to reinvent the wheel.

Take this home

In 2013, my goal is to build 100 niche websites which can generate passive income for me.

Already, I’ve built close to 15 and the results have been amazing. The same simple system laid out above is what I’ve been using and it never fails.

Formulate your own system. Even if you don’t have plans for building niche sites around in-demand affiliate offers, create a landing page to capture email leads for your small business, nonetheless.

Then follow up, build relationships and confidently recommend the products. Enhancing your brand image is essential as well. You may see the reviews for tips and more information.

Guess what? That’s a simple system – it can work for you. Don’t just work hard, work smart with your simple system and money will start rolling in like a broken ATM.

Do you’ve a money making system? Share your comment below and let’s get kicking. See you at the top!

*Are you looking for a skilled content writer for your blog? I can help you drive quality traffic and boost your income with my affordable content writing services. Get in touch today.