My Recommended Money Makers

Those with a sharp eye may noticed a new page link at the top of the blog call Make Money. This is a new page I added with my recommended money makers. The page shows all the ad networks I use on this blog to help it make over $8,500 last month. I created this page for three reasons.

  • People email me all the time asking what programs I use.
  • Most of the sign up links are affiliate links so the page itself is a money maker.
  • It goes with my whole make money online theme and helps to reinforce my Google ranking for make money online.

For those who are too lazy to check out the page, my recommended moneymakers are:

There are other ad networks that I deal with but they don’t run on the blog so I didn’t include them. Most of those networks are designed for content sites and shy away from blogs.

The Make Money page maybe my best affiliate pages to date. The page answers a need many readers have and it’ll be a good moneymaker if the reader signs up for the ad networks with those affiliate links. I don’t think I’ll see much from it this month but it should help for the May income report.