Market Leverage has posted the interview they did with me on Market Leverage TV. I visited the Market Leverage office while I was in Orlando for IZEA Fest. As part of the visit, I got to sit in on a taping of MLTV.
MLTV is a weekly show put on by Market Leverage. You can subscribe to their YouTube channel here. Each episode has a new offer countdown, a Market Leverage minute, news from the industry and/or interview with a successful affiliate or blogger. As far as I know, Market Leverage is the only affiliate network to do a weekly video cast. Their embrace of bloggers and Web 2.0 technologies are two of the reasons Market Leverage has grown so fast.
I want to thank Debby at Market Leverage for doing the interview and letting me sit in on the filming. It’s very interesting to see how the stuff goes from green screen to final product. If I ever decide to really get into videos, I want the same setup they got!
Bonus – Here’s the MLTV version of the Cashinator Challenge.