John Chow dot Com – PageRank 6

Google started their PageRank update yesterday and it looks like this blog is jumping two spots – from PR4 to PR6! A check of 72 Google data centers shows John Chow dot Com at PR6 with 19 of them. Updates to the remaining data centers should be complete in the next few days.

The higher PageRank just made this blog a lot more valuable for me and a lot more expensive for advertisers. It will be interesting to see what Text Link Ads will price me at. It already cost $200 a month for a link on this blog. There is one link spot available at the current price. If you hurry, you may get it before TLA increases the price ($100 coupon here). I can also see competition heat up for the Top Commentators spot. Getting a site wide back link from a PR6 blog just for commenting will be worth the effort for many webmasters.

My ReviewMe price will be going to $400 next month. If you want a review at the current price of $300, make sure you get your order in before the end of this month. Speaking of reviews, blogs that reviewed my blog a long time ago might consider doing a new one. Your review will be linked like always, but this time it’ll be a PR6 link. ๐Ÿ™‚

What is your new PageRank? Was Google good to you or did they slapped you? I imagine many sites will be applying to Text Link Ads in the next few days.