First, I get Webmaster Talk doing a custom Google ad on my blog, now is getting in on the act. They’re also poking a little fun at Webmaster Talk for spelling my name wrong. For those who haven’t seen it, here’s the ad.

Just for fun, I did an ad buy on Webmaster Talk through Google AdWords. I’m sure they’ll get a kick out of it. This maybe a new way for sites to communicate with each other – IMing through Google ads!
You may also noticed new shopping ads appearing at the bottom of each blog posts. Those are from my TTZ Media Network. I don’t know how well they’re do since TTZ Media works best with technology review sites. However, I think there are a good number of tech readers who visit this blog. So, we’ll just have to wait and see.
Monetizing a site or blog is all about experimenting and tweaking. The chances of hitting the target right out of the gate are next to impossible. Therefore, you always have to fool around with placement, ad types, colors, etc. I guess the key is to never settle, always tweak.
If anyone else wants to send me a message via Google ads, you can do so here. Just make sure to bid enough for your ad to appear. 🙂