How To Reduce Bounce Rate On Your Blog Right Now

Yes, Google Analytics can reveal so many elements about your website.

And when you’re armed with the basic elements like traffic sources, landing pages, exit pages and keywords, reducing your bounce rate becomes easier.

But there is a clause somewhere – Google Analytics can be confusing at times. It can be slow as well.

Don’t get me wrong, you still must use it to improve your blog, and to know the bounce rate for your pages presently. But when it comes to reducing bounce rate, I can show you the strategies I use.

Most people gaze at Google Analytics daily. They forget that taking action is the watchword.

So, how can you reduce bounce rate without using external analytics tool or software?

bounce rate

#1. Simplify your language

[The obnoxious blogging phobia that has enveloped the diverse populace is somewhat ferocious and nonchalant]

How many times have you read a sentence like that?

Be honest to yourself, did you enjoy the article one bit? I guess it’s time we (bloggers) stop using big grammar and words to confuse readers. You don’t sound intelligent with such practices; on the contrary, you’re hurting your content.

Blog readers aren’t going to give you a standing ovation, because of BIG grammar you used.

And even if they can, how would you know since they’re not in your closet? For me, any content I come across that sounds confusing like that first line, I would immediately close the browser. Period!

Put your academic qualifications and grammatical excellence where they belong. Blogging is for simple-minded businesspeople.

Your readers may not be as intelligent as you are or assume. What they want is RESULTS to help terminate their insult as real people. Use simple words that anyone can understand.

Therefore, rather than use “obnoxious,” use “unpleasant. In place of “famish,” use “hungry.” Use “want” as an alternative to “desire.” Make your writing as simple as it can be – it’s the best way to engage everyone in your world.

#2. Call to action – be specific

There is a common practice in the blogosphere, these days. I call this, the content marketing anxiety, because bloggers wants to kill 5 birds with just one stone.

How possible can that be? The quickest way to reduce bounce rate and make your blog engaging is to be specific when you call for action.

In order words, provide fewer options for your readers. If you want readers to join your email list, be specific. If you want comments, ask readers to leave a comment. And if you’re broke and wants to sell your e-book, tell readers to click the “buy now button.”

Of course, a single blog post could go viral on a good day – sucking in free targeted traffic, sales and subscribers, but you must be specific. Most often, bloggers confuse and utterly discourage readers from making personal decisions. If your content wasn’t helpful, no trick can yield result.

A rule of thumb is to reduce your bounce rate to about 35%.

Anything higher than this is a sure signal that more works needs to be done – compelling content, simplicity, brevity, call to action instructions et al. And finally, to reduce your bounce rate quickly, use this powerful weapon.

Hook your reader with a story

In your personal life, you’ve gone through a lot – good and bad experiences are integral elements of living. Everyone that I’ve ever come across connects with a good story.

Well, not really “good” as in good ending, but good in terms of what the reader can learn from it. Actually, I discovered that an ugly story tends to capture the minds of readers than a sweet story.

Give life to the story by adding your personality. It doesn’t matter whether the story was relevant to the topic under discussion, you should make it relevant with your VOICE.

If your story connects with readers emotionally, they’d stick around, check out your popular posts and “about me” and “hire me” pages and bookmark your blog.

How high is your bounce rate?

If you’re registered with Google Analytics, log in right now and see if your bounce rate is more than 35%.

Use the strategies in this post to lower your bounce rate quickly – be specific in your call to action, use simple words and grammar. And don’t forget to hook readers with a compelling story.

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