How To Pack a Suit Into a Carry On Bag

On my recent ten day trip to Germany and Las Vegas, I had to pack a lot of cloths into a single carry on bag because I refuse to check luggage. Not checking your bags mean getting out of the airport and into your ride while everyone else is waiting by the luggage carousel. It also mean not having to worry about the airline losing your bags. On top of all that, many airlines have started charging for checked bags so doing carry on only mean saving money as well.

Most of the time, my trips are pretty short so the carry on works well. However, my trip to Germany for the SATW convention and then to Las Vegas for Blog World Expo was ten days long and required me to pack a suit as well. How do you get a suit into a carry on bag without any winkles? Watch the video to find out how I did it. Not only was I able to get ten days worth of cloths into a single carry on, I had enough room left over to carry all the free swag I got home!