How To Increase Your Click-Through Rates on Facebook Ads

Facebook is an awesome social media platform with millions of users and awesome advertising platform. generated 2.96 billion last year, which is up 64% from previous years through their advertising network. This just shows how effective the network is in generating conversions and leads for businesses. However, not everyone is making money from Facebook or they just don’t maximize the potential that this network provides. Keep these things in mind…

facebook-ads has an awesome targeting filter, where you can narrow down geo-location, interests, age group, gender, devices, etc. You have complete control, showing your products and services to those who will benefit from them most. However, advertisers still have a hard time tweaking their strategy for optimal conversions.

There is no point in getting 5/100 people that see your ad because this will convert poorly. Making a few minor tweaks can improve this conversion rate. Here’s how…these strategies can be applied to both ads and generals posts on your page.

Research Target Audience

If you can get your post or ad in front of the right people, you’ll increase the chance of someone clicking through. This is why it is recommended you have relevant people following you and you filter your targeting options within the Facebook ad network. For example, if you’re writing content or promoting a product to help with “link building”, it would help having followers in the same niche. It would also help to target people with the same interests when setting up an advertising campaign. Simply put…

Having the right people see your ad will dramatically increase the chances of someone clicking-through and it converting into a sale.

Drop a Thought In

Many advertisers and Facebook users post a simple image and text underneath, hoping to attract people to click-through. However, you have to realize that ads and shares are all about creating engagement with the user because the more they do, the higher the CTR. Whenever you share content or post an ad within, it’s important you let people know what you think so those who have their own opinion will have something to say after.

People make the mistake of creating a line between an ad and a general wall post, which effects the CTR of one, so it’s important to treat them equally. Think about it, you’re trying to accomplish the same thing, which is a click-through and engagement.

Clear Call-to-Action

Both images within their ad network and on your wall can be clicked so it’s important to add a “call-to-action”. As a matter of fact, Neil Patel did a quick case study, where he posted the same content but changed the images around. One image included a button and the other didn’t, and the results were amazing. The post with the image with a button had a 14% higher CTR than the other. This just shows you the power of a clear “call-to-action” and how it can increase engagement. Next,

To find out the best call-to-action for your image or ad, it’s important to try different things, keeping track of conversions. Then stick to the one that had the most conversions.

Images and Colors

There has been discussion about the effects of adding a border to your ads and images. Many people have done case studies that outline how a bright colored border can increase click-throughs as it attracts people to your ad within the left hand column. It’s recommended to use images with a bright color, which have the same effect as a bright colored border, which attracts people to the images. You have to remember,

Please scroll down pages quickly so you have little time to capture the attention of the visitor. Adding colors tend to increase attention conversions, ultimately increasing CTR.

Here’s something from Tell me which images stands out? You would agree the one with the “red” border…Right?


Timing Matters

There have been enormous case studies done on social media and ideal posting times. This is based on user engagement and the times people are online. If you are posting on your wall during peak hours, then you’ll increase the immediate flow of traffic to your website. The same applies to Facebook advertising as you’ll have a higher CTR when more people are browsing online. For you to find ideal times as they apply to your posting and/or ad, you’ll have to split test campaigns. Here’s why…

First, you might be advertising to different people who are in different time zones. Next, depending on your product, it might perform better on different days and holidays. Many people who are starting out have a lower budget, which will effect when they can show ads, etc. is not dumb and knows their peak times so will often charge higher premiums for ads to be displayed during those windows.

The key is to keep testing and make sure you optimize your campaign until you’re getting optimal results.

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