How To Be Influential In Social Media

In order for you to create a real buzz online it’s important you stand out compared to others. Those with the knowledge, experience and who know how to leverage followers will outperform anyone else. However, in order to be someone of influence, you need to ensure you have the right factors in place. This also means you need to know what matters and what doesn’t. I’ve been doing research online and came across some interesting information on how to become influential on social media platforms.

Here are some tips to help guide you along the way.



The first rule is to be focused and dedicated because in order for you to make your mark, you have to put the time in. Your not going to be influential if you don’t spend the time skimming on social networks looking for trends, popularity, etc. The funny thing is this concept can be applied to every endeavour you take on because it’s the foundation of a successful entrepreneur. Here’s the point…

To be the top influencer in social media you have to make sure you are focused and get your tools in place. This means having the mindset everyday to put the hours in where they matter most.


Social media is a great way to find out what’s trending so be the first to provide relevant people the right news. In order for you to be successful, you need to know your audience and what they want to read. I would recommend not providing a broad range of news, but keeping it within your niche. This allows you to go into a territory your familiar with. You’ll notice that influential people are often the first to provide the best news.

Here’s what I suggest…

Social media is a great way to find out what’s trending so be the first to provide relevant people the right news. In order for you to be successful, you need to know your audience and what they want to read. I would recommend not providing a broad range of news, but keeping it within your niche. This allows you to go into a territory your familiar with. You’ll notice that influential people are often the first to provide the best news.

Here’s what I suggest…

First thing in the morning visit the top blogs within your niche. Every month start looking for new blogs which are gaining traction and visit these them regularly looking for content which isn’t available on social networks. How can you find this out? Search by blog name or using #hashtags. I’m sure the blog that published the content will post in social platforms, but it’s about getting your name and the content in front of relevant people first. You’ll learn how to do this later on using #hashtags.

Here’s “3” cool way to streamline content research.

  • Join newsletters so you get an email directly to your inbox when new content is published.
  • Subscribe to every RSS so you get an update through RSS readers. This is a great way to compile updates from top blogs quickly.
  • Google Alerts is a great way to get “targeted” content alerts to your inbox. Simply setup the content and questions your looking to answer and let Google do the rest.

Find Right Networks

A few months back I had written about knowing how to divide your time for maximum exposure. There is no point in joining social networks which don’t provide the ROI your looking for. If you want to become someone of importance on social networks, you have to hang out where everyone else is. For example, from my experience I know “3” networks outperform all others:, and Google+. However, personally I would just stick to and because it’s easy to find what your looking for and this means reaching people more quickly. Here’s something to consider…

Would you rather engage on platforms with 10,000 users or 500 million users? The more people available to you means the greater the chance of building awareness for your efforts. By simply doing a quick search in Google Trends, you’ll be able to see how the search for these two networks is increasing each year.

Using #hashtags

The use of #hashtags cannot be underestimated because they are essentially an organization tool for social networks. For example, if I published content on “link building” and I want to attract relevant people to my content on Twitter then I would include a tag before the keyword: “#linkbuilding”. When others are looking for information on link building they’ll use the same search command which would display all the content published using the same #hashtag.


In order for you to be a top influencer on social networks, you have to know what #hashtags are the most popular. The higher the popularity the more demand on that type of content within your niche. The good news is you have tools available to simplify the entire process. For example, is a great tool to find what’s trending using a broad #hashtag. This tool then narrows it down by giving you related “tags” and there popularity.

Here’s what you should do before publishing any content to social networks. First, find the best content and identify popular #hashtags you can use before sharing. Then, simply add them to your “tweet” or “post” before sharing it on these networks. You should also keep a close eye on the changing trends using This tool is great because in table mode you can find increases or decreases in popularity over the last week, month, etc.


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