How To Add A Google Buzz This Button Into Your WordPress Blog

With all the buzz on Google Buzz, I decided it was time to integrate a “Buzz This” button into my blog the way I integrated my Tweet This button. While I don’t see Google Buzz exceeding Twitter anytime soon, I’m not blind to the increasing number of Buzz followers I have and the sheer marketing power Google processes. To ignore Buzz, or anything, from Google would be a big mistake.

The Buzz This Button

The Google Buzz This button allows your readers to Buzz your post to their followers. It works the same way as the Tweet This button. Adding the button to your blog is extremely easy. There are already a bunch of WordPress plugins that will do it for you. However, I feel the use of a plugin to do something that requires only one line of code to be an extremely poor use of resources. Instead, I just used the following code.

<a rel=”nofollow” target=”_blank” href=”<?php the_ID(); ?>&title=<?php the_title(); ?>”><img src=”” alt=”Buzz This” /></a>

Insert the above code (change the URL to your domain name and upload and link to your own Buzz image) to your WordPress single.php file at the point where you want the Buzz This button to show up. In my case, I have it appear right after the post and next to my Tweet This button.

The advantage of using a line of code instead of a plugin is less overhead. A simple line of code consume less resources than an entire WordPress plugin so your blog should run faster. However, if the thought of editing your blog HTML intimidates you, then go ahead and use one of the plugins.

Now, please buzz my post and tell me if it works! ๐Ÿ™‚