Guest Blogging With Jane May


Since John will be in Taipei for Computex for the next week, I’ll be writing a few posts for you guys. Don’t worry, John will still report back to us with great pictures from Taiwan, and I look forward to seeing some delicacies from his trip as well.

Let me give you some background information of myself in case you haven’t seen me around. Currently, I author Daily Web Ideas, co-author a second blog called Career Ramblings and I’m always exploring different monetizing methods in the blog world. Both of my major blogs are very different in content. While one is focused on a specific niche (career focused), the other is more about reflecting on my past success and helping new bloggers do the same.

Where Does Jane May Come From

Contrary to popular belief, I’m pretty new at this considering the length of time blogging has been around. I started by reading some of John’s early works over a year and a half ago. A lot of time was spent researching the different online opportunities. As many of you know, blogging is challenging. Challenging, not because of having to write content nor is it because of the lack of opportunities; it’s challenging because blogging is not my full time job. Finding the time to do quality work both on and offline has been one of my biggest challenges.

In my offline life, I work as a consultant for companies looking to hire graduating college students and new professionals. I spend a lot of my time in Los Angeles, CA since I work very closely with the business students in the area. In addition to working and blogging, I have recently completed a Master’s degree in Counseling. So, regardless of what you have going on in your “real” life, managing it all can be done!

What Do I Like Doing For Fun

One way I reward myself is by taking a night out with the girls. And let me tell you, with Memorial Day weekend just passing, it was a great way to take a little break from my online and offline worlds. ๐Ÿ™‚

I sometimes write about the importance of balance to be successful in what you do. My balance comes in the form of running and working out. I’m in front of a computer for about 12 hours a day, sometimes more depending on projects. Running helps as an outlet for all that time spent in front of my monitor. I wonder, what do all of you do for balance?

Anyway, this should give you a little background into Jane May and hopefully you like what I have to contribute. John trusted me to write for you guys, so if you have any feedback, don’t be bashful (I know some of those Top Commentators here are far from bashful) ๐Ÿ™‚

This post was guest blogged by Jane May. She teaches readers how to create and monetize blogs on Daily Web Ideas.