Get NoFollow Removed On Your Comments!

A while back, I made a comment that I was working on an evil plan to remove the nofollow tag on the comments. In order to increase community activity, many blogs has installed the DoFollow plugin, which removes the nofollow tag on all comments. This blog gets more than enough comments so I have no need for such a plugin. However, I think there are some users who would like to have nofollow removed from their comments and are willing to pay for it.

The Evil Plan

For $10 per month, I will remove the nofollow tag off your comments and the link on your name. Now you don’t have to get on the Top Commentators list in order to get a full link. When you sign up for this deal (for lack of a better name, it’s call WP FollowMe), your link will carry the same weight as the links in the blog post. With the nofollow removed, Google will follow the link and index your blog.

A site wide text link on this blog cost $240 a month. A post level link on one post cost $5 to $10 per month. For only $10 a month, you can comment to as many posts as you want and your link will be a full link without a nofollow tag. That is a great deal!

How Do I Sign Up?

To sign up for the WP FollowMe and have the nofollow tag removed from your comments, you need to register for this blog, then click on this PayPal link to pay the $10 subscription fee. The email used for registration should be the same as your Paypal email.

::subscribe page::

Once payment has been confirmed, nofollow will be turned off for your comments. Enjoy! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

BTW – If you wish to buy the plugin that will allow you to do what I’m doing, it will cost you $30. Buy WP-FollowMe here. Sign up for the affiliate program too!