Here’s a test video I made with the new Canon Vixia HF S100. The video was recorded using the 7bit XP+ setting. This is no where near the maximum 24bit highest quality setting. All the other settings were left in their factory defaults. I’ll start playing with some of the custom features later. Right now, I just want to learn the camcorder.
Because of the limitations of Internet, the video doesn’t really give a good indication on the true quality of this camcorder. When viewed direct from my HDTV, the images are truly amazing. For video sharing on the net the 7bit, or even 5bit, setting would be fine. The only time you need to use the higher quality settings would be if you wish to burn to your movie to DVD.
I shot the test video using just the S100 without the wide angle lens. I’ll test the lens later. The movie clips were transferred to iMovie 09 for processing and then uploaded to Vimeo and YouTube. I can tell you right now I’m going to have a lot of fun with this thing.