Have you always wanted to attend a blogging conference like Blog World but couldn’t find the time or the money to attend? Well, BlogOnExpo hopes to bring the conference to you. BlogOnExpo is a digital conference covering the topic of blogging. The conference runs today until January 18 and features sessions and interview from many A-List bloggers like Darren Rowse and Guy Kawasaki. There’s also an exhibits area where vendors can show off their stuff.
Started by Aditya Mahesh, the goal of BlogOnExpo is to make the experience of attending an industry conference available to all. With prices reaching up to $1000 per ticket plus airfare, hotel bills, and other travel expenses, it is not much of a surprise that many bloggers cannot afford to attend these conferences. BlogOnExp attempts to recreate the conference experience online. It’s a nice try but it’s no where close to the real thing.
Today’s sessions includes social media with Neil Patel, logo design trends, SEOmoz guide and what to when you lose your biggest traffic source with yours truly. You can head on over to watch my session or just click play below.
Links mentioned in the video: Domain Mirror Plug-In | How I gained over 4600 RSS Subscribers in 1 Month