3 Ways To Maximize the Reach of Your Content

As you probably now, content marketing doesn’t stop after that killer blog post is published. It doesn’t stop after you’ve pushed it on social media. It keeps going on well-after you’ve bothered your contacts about this amazingly awesome piece of content that you’ve devoted hours to creating and nurturing. Now it’s to make sure that you’re able to maximize the reach of that all so-important content. And, here’s three ways that you can accomplish that.

1. Share Your Content Throughout The Day


Yes. We’re all aware that you have to share your content on social media. But it takes more than just posting a blog article once and that’s it after it goes live. Why? Because it’s going to get buried underneath all of the other content that has been shared throughout the day. So, how often should you share your content?

Here is the suggested amount of times that you should be sharing your content onto social media according to Buffer:

  • Twitter – 14 times per day, from midnight to 10:00 p.m. Central Time, never more than once per hour; seven times per day on weekends, from 3:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., roughly every three hours
  • Facebook – 2 times per day, seven days a week, 10:08 a.m. and 3:04 p.m.
  • LinkedIn – 1 time per day, 8:14 a.m., no weekends
  • Google+ – 2 times per day, 9:03 a.m. and 7:04 p.m., no weekends

Speaking of Buffer, you can use it to schedule your content onto Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn at different times of the day. Other tools that you can use to schedule and monitor your content on social media would be HootSuite, Social Sprout and Alternion – which even combines email addresses.

2. Reach Wider Audiences

This probably sounds more vague than it actually is, but try to think out just your audience on social media. Where else would people be looking for this content? Yahoo Answers, Quora, Reddit or StumbleUpon are other locations where you can share your content. Just don’t be too spammy, try to tie it into the community.

Also consider paid media. This is where you would pay for newspaper, television, radio or direct mail ads. More effectively today, however, would be for paying for sponsored Facebook posts, promoted tweets, or LinkedIn ads. It’s a great way to reach more general audiences.

3. Repurpose Your Content

Just because you have a written a blog post doesn’t mean that it can’t be used again in another form. For example, you could take that article and use the information to create an infographic. You could take your most popular 25 articles and create an ebook. You could interview an influential person in your industry for a blog post and later create a podcast by using the audio.

The idea of repurposing your content is taking some of your best material and converting it into another format to share over and over again. Because it’s in a different form it can even be distributed on to different formats – that interview is transcribed and shared on Twitter, the video shared on YouTube, etc. It also saves you and or your staff some work since you won’t have to start from scratch.