Are you a blogger? IF YES, then you’ve to read this.
Are you satisfied with the level of success you’ve attained?
Would you still continue with your blog, even if you don’t make enough money?
I understand we all had good intentions when we launched our blogs, but it looks like our good intentions aren’t enough.
We’ve been advised countless times to write a realistic goal – and stay focused.
And that’s a fantastic advice. But the problem is, nothing happens overnight. For you to make a living as a blogger, you might need to wait a little longer.
Yes, building a successful blog goes beyond attracting thousands of readers.
Chances are, most of your readers are broke.
They don’t even have money to buy your product, or attend your webinar. So, making money from blog readers alone could be daunting at first.
I’ve seen bloggers who have been helping, solving problems and adding value to their community, but nothing seems to be happening in terms of making money.
Why all these?
When your good intentions seems buried in the sands of time, don’t give up. You’re passing through your wilderness experience. No one is immune to this. Not even John…
And every pro blogger I know have at one point in their journey walked through the same nightmares. It’s a nightmare, because it’s going to vanish away like the vapor – just hold on a little more.
Now, let’s look at the 2 blogging nightmares and how to overcome them:
#1. Blog not making money     
How do you feel when your blog isn’t generating any income?
You’ve tried all you could, wrote exceptional articles, but still, your bank account is red.
You’ve even added 4 affiliate banners on your sidebar, but at the end of the month, the income reads 0.00 or $12.38. How pathetic? Huh!
You might even conclude that bloggers who make $2000 – $40,000 are telling lies.
Aha, some actually use hype to cajole you into buying their latest product, but making money online is real. I can attest to that.
If you’re passing through this form of blogging nightmare (no money), my advice is simple.
Don’t give up too soon. Study your audience to know the type of product they want. If your blog consists of beginners, who can’t even afford a $17.89 for monthly web hosting subscription, I don’t think you should sell to them.
Instead, build a community around your blog. Add pay per click programs and get them clicking.
There are several ways to skin a cat – as there are one thousand and one ways to make money with a blog. Creating a product is one way. Advertising is another way and selling your skill is the better way.
#2. Nobody is leaving a comment, Oops!
In 2010, I was on the verge of flipping my blog. I had made up my mind to dust my Credentials and go in search of a nice job. You can’t pretend about this – when you write a post and no one leaves a comment, it can cause depression.
Yes, we know that comments don’t necessarily mean you’re a successful blogger, but it’s one way to test the waters. If you’re not getting comments, odds are, you’re not doing the right thing. Most likely, you’re still hiding from the reality. What reality?
Your blog is by you, not about you– Michael Chibuzor
You need to go out there and solicit for comments. No, I’m not asking you to beg people to visit your blog. Rather, I want you to contribute to other blogs.
Research A-list blogs in your niche and challenge yourself to always drop a comment valuable on their latest posts. Not the traditional “I love this post, thank you!â€
Find popular blogs & Subscribe to their email list, so you can be the first to comment.
Over time, you’d gain traction and the law of Karma would favor you.
Ideally, focus on your readers. Don’t go looking for fresh readers if you’re yet to bring satisfaction to your community. The reason why you don’t get repeat visitors is because your blog post sucks. Aha, I’m waiting for a slap – take it easy on me. Lol!
What’s your nightmare?
A nightmare is often frightening and depressing. I’ve my own nightmares. I’m sure John Chow has his, what’s yours?
Share your opinion in the comment box below. Let’s destroy these nightmares together and sleep like new born babies. And if possible, make some cool cash and go partying. And if you’re ready to take your blog to the next level, click here.
See you ahead!
Photo Credit: Nightmare by