How to Kick Failure Out of Your Blogging Career

Do you feel like you’re not getting ahead as a blogger?

I mean, you’re not getting huge amounts of traffic, active readers, email subscribers and most importantly, you earn meager or no income.

I know that feeling because every pro blogger who’s achieved tremendous success today started from a zero level.

They were once broke, hesitant to begin and had those little voices speaking on their inside. Telling them “what if….”

But they pressed forward. They continued. They studied hard, read blogs and so many books just to escape the trap of failure.

And you know what, they finally cracked the code. The cleared the stumps off their paths and today, they’ve huge social media fans, speaking engagements from every corner and thousands of dollars on their bank accounts.

It’s a personal journey

Yep, you need other business-oriented persons to climb the ladder of success, but blogging itself is a personal journey.

No one is ever going to motivate you as much you’d do to yourself. It doesn’t matter how many books you’ve read or exclusive mastermind groups you belong to, if you’re not determined, blogging will not work for you.

If things aren’t turning out the way you want with your blog, it’s time to ask questions and see if you’re the cause. From my personal experience, I learned that pain can be a stepping stone to greater heights in life.

But I’d not advice you to dwell on that, instead I need you to look forward and see how much $10,000 per month could change your life. At least, to an extent.

In other words, don’t be motivated by pain or the fact that you’ve no money in your pocket; be awakened by the joy of tomorrow. Let VISION lead you.

That’s how you can transform the lives of people and make the world a better place to live in. That’s the biggest motivation that would bring a lifelong prosperity.

Use other people’s time

Successful entrepreneurs use OPM (other people’s money) to expand their frontiers. Bloggers on the other hand should use OPT (other people’s time) to reach a wider audience.

Did you know that thousands of people are waiting to send you huge amounts of traffic and money? In fact, I just discovered this not too long ago.

And that’s why blogging is the most lucrative business tool that any serious online entrepreneur can use to reach out and become the go-to expert in his or her niche.

To get these sets of people to evangelize and win a lot of souls for you, you MUST exchange value with them. The first thing you can do to put the machine to work is to produce exclusive content continually.

Let me give you a scenario: In 2011, I struggled to attract loyal readers to my blog. Every day, I felt like giving up and getting a day job. But something kept me going – perhaps my zeal to change the world one step at a time.

And I don’t mean the whole world here, but my OWN special world. Fortunately, I attended a live conference in my city and the keynote speaker made a terrific statement that changed my business & life.

He said, “Create a definite path for people to follow and they’d fly in like Bees.”

Fast forward to 2012, my blog is already getting a lot of loyal readers and quality backlinks from authority blogs.

Because my readers are tweeting, sharing, citing and telling everyone they meet about my rich content. 95% of the time, I didn’t ask them to share it… it’s a reflex action…

The truth of the matter is that if you spend eons of time to write what your readers will not find anywhere else on the entire web, you’ll generate fresh traffic and you might be lucky, a media agency could pick up your best content and republish it – of course with your permission.

If that should happen to your content, you’re guaranteed 5k – 10k free traffic in 48 hours. Do you’ve enough bandwidth space for that?

It’s time to act…

How many e-books are stored on your hard disk, which you’re yet to read? What about all the bookmarks you’ve on your browser, when do you plan to use those information toolkit?

Here’s my honest advice to you, stop downloading every new e-book and start acting. You already know so much, even as a beginner.

Start writing & marketing and learn along the way. As a rule of thumb, study every product you purchased, before buying another one. It’s high time you begin to act. Don’t you think so?

A wise step you can take this year is to fill your blog with epic content; the type that would remain evergreen, helpful and fresh as the months go by.

You’ve got to change people’s perception about you. The quality of articles, blog posts, videos and other digital materials you put out would determine your worth in the blogosphere. See my content marketing study on how to get your online business to life.

And if you’re looking for a freelance writer who understands how to write good content that can grow your website and income, I’m open for hire.

Kick failure out of your blogging career by getting other people actively involved in promoting your content, ideas and products. Do this and you’ll fly like the Eagle. Leave a comment if you like this post. You’re awesome!