Tomorrow is the grand opening of The Fair At The PNE. The annual fair at Hasting Park runs from August 19th to September 4th, which is the last day before school starts up again for the kids. We plan to go tomorrow morning because admission is free until noon. If I’m late then it’ll cost $15 times 4 people, so it’s to my advantage not to be late. I’m sure I’ll end up sending the savings at the fair however.
There are a few things that I look forward to every year at the PNE. The first is the outdoor BBQ chicken. As far as I know, there is no place in Vancouver where one can get this chicken, so I look forward to having it every year. The second thing I look forward to is the Superdogs show. This is the most popular attraction at the PNE. Another show I like watching is the freestyle motocross challenge. This will be the first time at the fair for Sarah’s parents and I’m sure they will enjoy it.
Going to the fair tomorrow means I will miss my weekly Pho get together, also known as a Pho Phest. I guess everyone will just have to do Pho without me. I just hope I don’t end up doing a $600 impulse purchase like I did last year.