Miscellaneous Ramblings – 9/16/2007

John Chow Takes Over The ShoeMoney Show

Jeremy Schoemaker will be at the TechCrunch40 conference this Tuesday and as a result won’t be able to do this Net Income show on Webmaster Radio. Therefore, he asked me to host the show in his absence.

Tune into Net Income this Tuesday at 3PM PST as I try to take over a radio show for the first time. I hope I don’t break anything. My guest will be Nate Whitehile of Unique Blog Design. We will be talking about the new theme and design trends. There will also be one other special guest.

Top 5 Blogging Success Stories

Matt from Blogging Fingers gets on the linkbaiting train by asking five successful bloggers for a quote on how they became so successful. The five bloggers interviewed were Yaro Starak Of entrepreneurs-journey.com, CashQuest.com, Andy Beard, myself and some cow.

The Benefits of Commenting First

Site Fever has posted an interesting article on driving traffic by being the first to comment on a popular blog post.

On September 1st, John Chow posted his monthly income report. I knew that this would be a very popular post as it would be the first income report since he had started using his new theme. Guess who happened to be the first to comment on that post? None others than yours truly.

Site Fever has some traffic stats created from his first comment position on my August blog income report. It’s interesting stuff.

John Chow dot Com Showing Up On BlogRush


I am starting to see my headlines show up on other blogs running the new BlogRush Widget. This screenshot was taken from Net Business Blog.

BlogRush has been live for a day and has already create a huge buzz for itself. By adding the BlogRush Widget to your blog, you get instant distribution for your latest blog post titles across a network of related blogs. BlogRush users earn syndication credits based on their own traffic as well as the traffic of other users they refer to BlogRush. If I show the widget 10,000 times, my headline will appear 10,000 times on other blogs running the widget. I also get traffic credit for people I refer. It’s a really neat way to build blog traffic and one that can mushroom very quickly.

A few people have asked how come some of the blogs being featured in the widget are not running the BlogRush widget. There are two answers for this. The first is those blogs were just a default placeholder to fill the Widget with something to show. The second answer is those blogs have build a big enough network that they are just using the traffic credit created by their referrals – if all your referrals does 10,000 views per day, you get your headline shown 10,000 times even if you don’t run the Widget.

The Winner Of Ed & Michael’s Hockey Blog Contest

After sifting through about 300 contest entries, Ed Lau and Michael Kwan have finally decided on the winner of their name our new hockey blog contest. You’ll have to watch the video to find out who won.