New Blog Milestone – 40K RSS Readers
A big congrats to me for breaking the 40K RSS mark. Right now, the FeedBurner clicklet is showing 40,288 RSS readers. I’m sure it’ll go higher tomorrow. I want to thank everyone for subscribing to my blog and helping me hit this milestone.
I’ve written numerous post on how to increase your RSS subscriber base. However, for this miscellaneous rambling post, I like to point you to Daily Blog Tips and their 50 simple ways to gain RSS subscribers.
I see I also set a new Twitter record. Thanks for following me on Twitter!
Funnel Vision Contest: Win iPod Stuff and More
Michael Kwan has a “Funnel Vision” contest to give away some iPod stuff. The cool thing is the contest is open world-wide so even if you live in the North Pole, Michael will mail it to ya.
Five Ways To Lose Passion for Your Business
Jamie Harrop has a new post on how to lose passion for your business. While all five ways are legit, I think Jamie forgot the most important one: the business is no longer fun.
10 Reasons Why Bloggers Hate Blogging
Geeks are Sexy (they really are) has given us 10 reasons why bloggers hate blogging. The number one reason, according to the sexy geek, is they blog for money. Ya, I imagine if I blogged for money, I would hate blogging too.
Mostly Lisa As a Bond Girl
The new 007 flick, Quantum of Solace, opens in theaters this week and to my surprise, Most Lisa is not the Bond babe. How she lost the part, I have no idea. I mean, check out her audition video! How could she have lost?