Drinks are on me! I just signed a contract with Google for them to supply their new video ad format to The TechZone. Unlike the normal Google ads, the video ads that will be appearing on TTZ will not be CPC based. Instead Google has guaranteed me a flat Cost Per 1000 (CPM) rate for the ads. That means the ad just has to load on the page in order for me to earn money – no clicking is required.
While I would love to tell you the CPM rate I got, I’m not sure if I am allowed to. I will say it is way higher than the CPM rates that a 3rd party ad network like Tribal Fusion or Fast Click can get. I’m quite excited about this because it’s really going to increase that Christmas shopping fund. When can you expect to see the new video ads? In Q4 of course! Google is gearing up for the bonanza, just like we are!
15 more days until the internet money train leaves the station! Are you on it?