How to Generate Ideas for Your Blog in A Single Day

When you’re running a blog, it’s important to come up with fresh content ideas on a regular basis.

But if you’re feeling stuck, don’t worry – we’ve got you covered.

In this blog post, we’ll give you tips and tricks for generating blog post ideas in a single day. If you leverage different tools and tactics well, you can plan your content calendar for the next 6 months. Or even a year. And it’s easy to do.

The reason why you want to plan your blog post calendar early on is that:

  • You don’t want to be in a position where you’re running out of blog post ideas.
  • You’ll keep your content on topic and relevant to your blog’s audience.
  • A content calendar will let you measure the success of your blog posts over time by analyzing what works and what doesn’t work.
  • It’s a way to document your writing process.
  • And you’ll set up a way to track whether you’re producing enough content and on time

Not to mention, it’s good to have the task of creating blog post ideas done with. You can then focus on creating content and engaging your customers.

How to come up with blog content ideas fast

Let’s get started with the practical work you need to do. Here’s how to come up with several months’ worth of blog posts in just one day.

Do brainstorming

Start by brainstorming a list of topics that you’re interested in or that you know a lot about.

It’s a good idea to set aside a day with your content team to do this activity. Invite everyone to just come up with random ideas at first. You don’t want to curate or reject any ideas, no matter how ‘bad’ or unusable they appear.

The reason for this is to get your most superficial ideas out of the way. Once you run out of obvious and ‘bad’ ideas, you’ll find yourself coming up with something different and creative.

Just write down all the ideas you and your team come up with and whittle them down later to find your best blog topic ideas. Combine brainstorming with the remaining tips here to build a solid list of blog post titles.

Use a keyword research tool

If you’re stuck for blog post ideas, using a keyword research tool can help.

Tools like Google’s Keyword Planner and SEMrush will give you extensive reports showing you what people are searching for online related to your topic.

The great thing about using such tools is that it gives you an indication of what blog post topics have the potential to be popular. Also, remember that you can use Google’s autocomplete and ‘People Also Ask feature’ for blog title ideas.

Make blog post topics based on your buyer’s journey

Your blog post topics can also be based on your buyer’s journey.

The idea is to map out the different stages that a customer goes through when they’re interested in buying something from you. Working out your buyer’s journey is critical because no one ever decides to buy a specific product out of nowhere.

First people experience a problem and look for ways to solve it. They then look for specific products and services and finally, choose one out of the many options they have. When you look at content creation from this approach, you’ll have many more blog post ideas.

For example, if you’re selling cars, your blog post topics could be: awareness (e.g. Top Ten Cars for Families), consideration (e.g. How to Choose the Right Car When You Have a Family), and decision stage blog posts (e.g Buying a Family Car: Toyota vs Chevrolet).

Leveraging the buyer’s journey gives you plenty of opportunities to come up with interesting and useful blog posts. You’ll also create posts that work for the long term and keep bringing in traffic long after you publish your posts.

Use free blog post idea tools

The good thing about the internet is that there are plenty of free tools out there to help you grow your business. One such tool is blog post idea generators.

Do a quick search for tools that help you generate internet-friendly tools. And you’ll be certain to find excellent platforms like HubSpot’s Blog Ideas Generator.

Identify problems and questions

Another powerful way to get topic ideas is to scour through forums like Reddit and Quora. Such platforms have active users who pose questions in areas concerning your business.

You can look for such questions and ones related to them. You should find several great ideas for new blog posts.

Similarly, follow relevant subreddits on Reddit and other places to get ideas for content you can create. People often bring up challenges that they face in some area with the intent to get help. When you find their questions, you can also give them answers by creating blog posts that address their issues.

And finally, use Answer the Public. This is a free online tool that helps you find questions that people are asking related to your blog’s topic. You’ll find a never-ending stream of post ideas to write about.

Leverage AI tools to create blog post ideas

Finally, you can also use AI tools to help generate blog post ideas. There are many powerful AI tools today that automatically generate content. And one of their features includes coming up with great blog post headlines.

All you have to do is add a keyword or mention a topic. And the AI tool can help you come up with dozens of blog post ideas that are both creative and relevant to your blog.

AI-generated titles are optimized for the internet automatically. And some tools also integrate with SEO platforms to generate post titles that use the right keywords and phrases, making it more likely that you’ll create content that helps people.

And the best part is that such tools can create literally dozens of titles in a few seconds. You can easily create a blog calendar for an entire year with just a few tweaks.


So there you have it – six ways to generate blog post ideas in a single day. Don’t be afraid to try out different methods until you find one that works best for you. And most importantly, have fun with it!

Syed Balkhi is an award-winning entrepreneur and online marketing expert. He is the co-founder of OptinMonster, WPBeginner, MonsterInsights, and WPForms.