John Chow dot Com reader Lyndon Reid was the winner of Shoemoney’s Affiliate Summit West 2010 contest. Thanks to your support, Lyndon got an all expense paid trip to Las Vegas for the Affiliate Summit. Included in the prize was an option to take $1,000 cash and run or bet $2,000 on one hand of blackjack or one spin of roulette. Lyndon opted to play a hand of blackjack and included the $500 he got for reimbursement of his airfare. So, the bet was $2,500 on one hand of blackjack!
Logistically, filming the bet was extremely difficult because casinos do not allow cameras or videos on the gaming floor. However, I’ve never let the prospect of getting tossed into a Vegas jail stop me from filming a once in a lifetime event. We had multiple cameras with us but in the end, it seems I was the only one brave (or dumb) enough to actually film on a casino floor. I want to thank the Rio for not arresting me.
To find out if Lyndon won or lost the $2,500, watch the video below. Thanks to Shoemoney and AzoolgleAds for sponsoring the contest.