Ask The Experts
Ask the Experts gives an opportunity for merchants, networks and affiliates to ask questions about various specialties and issues. Each expert sits at a table and attendees sit (or stand if there are no more seats) and ask the expert about the topic at hand.
The topics range from alternative payments to global affiliate marketing. The most packed table was lead by John Hasson. It was standing room only around his table. He talked about PPC search engines.
The Affiliate Summit Show Floor
The show floor offered over 200 booths to explore. Any company that had anything to do with affiliate marketing was there. The most unusual affiliate program has to be The Ashley Madison Agency. Their motto is “Life is short, have an affair.” The agency helps married people find other people (married or single) to fool around with.
Super Affiliate Strategies That Work
Kris Jones of Pepperjam told me that our session would be a sellout and he was right. The back of the room was standing room only. The session started with the me, Zac and Amit introducing ourselves and then with Kris asking each of us a question. Then the mic was open for a Q&A from the audience.
Eighty percent of the questions went to Amit Mehta because he was the PPC expert and the audience was on some kind of PPC bent. It reminded me of the Ask the Expert session, where people were jammed around the PPC search engine table while the other tables were barely filled. I had a good time and I think the session went very well.
Super Affiliate Lunch
After our session, Amit and I went for lunch with Joel Comm and Andrew Wee (plus 15 other people). I received some awesome advice from Joel on how to increase the value of my brand. It’s the kind of advice that people would pay thousands of dollars for and Joel gave it to me for free! Awesome guy.