The show floor at the 2013 Affiliate Summit in Las Vegas is where all the action takes place. With 5,275 people attending, the 2013 ASW was the biggest show to date. The exhibit hall was buzzing with activities.
You can find nearly every company that has anything to do with the affiliate marketing industry on the show floor. The exhibit hall offers a great way for me to catch up with some of the affiliate networks that I deal with and meet new ones as well. When it come to building relationships, face to face networking is still where it’s at, and a show like the Affiliate Summit is a great place to do it. The exhibit hall fills up very quickly. The best time to visit if you actually want to talk to the exhibitors is on the second day. It’s not as busy then.
With the GoPro in hand, Syed and I went into the big hall to see what kind of trouble we can get into. Some of the highlights include getting interviewed by Performance Marketing Insider and getting a signed copy of Shoemoney’s new book. Enjoy!