Most people focus on all different types of getting traffic to their blog. There are SEO courses, social media, advertising and emailing to your list. However, there are other very effective ways to get traffic to your blog and your business. Many people use this tactic and if done correctly, it can be one of the fastest and most effective ways to get traffic to your blog. What is it?
Benefits of Blog Commenting
What is blog commenting? It is going into someone’s blog and leaving useful, helpful comments in a way that contributes to that post. It does not mean spamming, it means sharing thoughts. It means adding value to someone else’s blog. You should always comment on blogs that are similar or complement your own.
Here are some benefits to blogging on others blogs:
- You tap into an already-existing community.
- You learn valuable things from the blogger and the community.
- You can get targeted traffic and new subscribers.
- You can build your own reputation.
Blog Commenting to Build A Community
When you post a comment, add your full name, your website address and your email address. You put these in the fields provided before you comment, not in the actual comment.
Here are some other courtesies to follow:
- Do not spam. This is worth mentioning twice, because people actually use software to spam incessantly. Bloggers are sensitive to this. Do not be THAT person.
- When contributing a comment, make it the best comment you can.
- Add valuable links to other websites when necessary. For example, on a travel blog post for families, add a link to a Disney promotion that is too good to pass up.
- Do not flame other members of the community.
Think about the things that people do (or don’t do) on your blog and follow these protocols when commenting on other’s blogs.
How to Add Value in your Blog Comments
When you add value, you help everyone, including yourself. Here are some tips to add value.
- Read the post, think about what you are going to say, and then say it in a way that inspires, educates or empowers.
- Add yourself into the comment, whether it is insight, and experience or a perspective. Better yet, tell a good story if you can. A true story.
- Consistently comment, like, and share. Going to a blog once is not going to get you traffic and guest post invitations. You have to keep going back and be a valuable member of that community.
- When you see a comment that you can add to, reply directly to that person.
Are there blogs that you already visit on a regular basis? Start with those blogs. Start visiting great blogs. You will want to go to blogs that have a good amount of traffic and comments already. If you go to a blog that has no comments, then all you are creating is a backlink. This is fine, but you really want to interact with other people.
Now that you know the basics of blog commenting, get started. Fine tune your efforts and you may have found the blog boost you were looking for.