Making Money With Your Blog

While is advertising free and doesn’t make me any money, there are countless blogs out there that do make income for their owners.

Steve Pavlina is a blue-eyed, colorblind, left-handed, well educated, vegan, lucid dreaming, purpose driven, happily jobless, reality manipulating, meditation practicing, risk taking, goal seeking, problem solving, passive income generating, highly motivated, energetic, disciplined, persistent, optimistic, fearless, and proactive… writer, speaker, blogger, podcaster, computer programmer, game developer, entrepreneur, husband, father, and archetypal Aries. He is an extroverted introvert, a logical intuitive, and an insatiably curious seeker of truth. Simply put, Steve is one of life’s runaway experiments who goes around scaring people until they either ascend to a higher level of consciousness or flee naked into the desert screaming, “The horror, the horror!”

Steve Pavlina runs a blog call, where he “turns Bears into Eagles”. I’m not 100% sure what that means but I do know that Steve is turning his blog into a highly profitable venture. On a recent blog entry, Steve posted a graph of his Google AdSense income since Feb. 2005.

 2005 Adsense Revenue Growth

That’s pretty amazing growth. Steve made $53 on his first month with AdSense (back in Feb) and he expects to make $4,700 for this January. Imagine getting a 50% raise every month. The above revenue graph is for AdSense only. Steve also makes money from Chitika eMiniMalls, affiliate programs and even donations. However, after seeing this, I doubt many people will feel an urge to donate.