The SeedPlate is a metal mnemonic backup for your crypto currency hardware wallet. A single plate will store up to 24 seed words onto thick 304 stainless steel that will protect your seeds from fire, flood, and other disasters.
SeedPlate is made by CoinKite, the Canadian company that created the ColdCard, which is one of the most secured bitcoin hardware wallet you can buy. CoinKite applied the same design principles to the SeedPlate as they used for the ColdCard – make a super secured device that’s also easy to use.
Unlike other metal plate backups, the SeedPlate allows you to back up your seed words onto a single plate. From a crypto security standpoint, keeping your seeds as a single plate is way better than breaking it up into multiple plates. Each side of the plate holds 12 words.
The plate is made from thick cut 304 stainless steel. It will not rust of corrode, and can withstand very high crushing forces. Seed words are inputted into the plate with a center punch. The entire process of backing up your seeds should take no more than 15 minutes.
SeedPlate retails for $59.99, not including the center punch. That makes it a better deal than the competing solution from Blockplate, which sells for $74. However, CoinKite is offering the SeedPlate for $49.97 at their online store right now. At that price, pick up two. That’s what I did.