Yesterday, this blog showed a RSS count of 10,685 because Feedburner forgot to show the number of RSS by email subscribers. Today, that oversight has been corrected and this blog broke 15,000 RSS readers. It took the blog 20 months to go from zero to 6,000 RSS readers and just six months to go from 6,000 to 15,000.
As I’ve stated in my BlogOnExpo video, your RSS subscription base is your blog foundation. RSS is the main thing I work on because it’s the only thing that I can control. As hard as I tried, I can’t control Google (if anything, Google controls you) so I don’t worry about it. However, RSS is something within my control. I know that if my RSS base is big enough, then nothing can take me down. I have wrote several articles on how to increase RSS subscription. For those who missed them, here they are again:
- How To Increase RSS Subscriptions
- How I Gain 4,691 RSS Reader In 1 Month
- How To Get RSS Readers To Visit Your Blog
- Evil Way To Increase RSS Subscriptions (This is more of a joke post)
You want people to add your feed to their RSS reader because it serves the same purpose as a bookmark. Remember how hard web publishers used to encourage readers to bookmark their sites? RSS is the new bookmark – having 15K RSS readers is the same as having 15K bookmarks.
RSS Number Double, RSS Ad Price Stay The Same
I opened RSS text ads back in August when the FeedBurner reader showed 7,727 RSS. Back then the price was $200 per month. Today, the RSS numbers have more than double but the price is still $200 per month. If you haven’t taken advantage of this advertising opportunity, then now would be the time to do so.
RSS text ads can have a full 80 character title and 150 letter description. It’s a great value and a fantastic way to reach over 15,000 readers everyday. If you’re interested in buying a RSS text ad, send the text and URL to and pay with the PayPal link below.