One of the ways to improve your BlogRush click through rate is by using really eye catching titles in your blog posts. However, sometimes that is just not possible, especially if you’re going off topic. I put my blog in the business category and I doubt many people click on a headline that reads, “The Dot Com Lunch at Feenies.”
Another problem is BlogRush doesn’t show off my best work. It only displays the headline in your most current post. While that may be OK with many bloggers, I would prefer to send the visitors to some of my most popular articles. Fortunately, there is a way to do that.
BlogRush doesn’t auto detect a blog’s RSS feed. Instead you have to enter the feed URL yourself. What you would do in this case is create a new feed just for BlogRush and use that to control the headline and link to your best article. Here’s an example of a feed I made.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?> <rss version="2.0">
<title>John Chow dot Com</title>
<description>The Miscellaneous Ramblings of a Dot Com Mogul</description>
<title>August Blog Income: $17,828.61!</title> <link></link>
This description is not used by BlogRush.
Edit the above to your own settings and save it as blogrush.rss. Upload that file to your site and then add the new feed to your BlogRush account.
Now when someone sees my link in the BlogRush widget, it will say August Blog Income: $17,828.61! and link to my August blog income report. I can edit the RSS file to promote whatever story I want. BlogRush won’t allow you to change the feed URL once you submit a blog so you’ll have to submit your blog again. Headlines impressions will be divided between the old feed and new feed.