Why You Should Care About Social Media

We obviously all know that there are a ton of ways to expand online presence, and that social media has been around for some time now.  If this is news to you, you may have missed to boat about 10 years ago.  

It may be easy to see how important it is, but when you are running a business, often times social media is the first thing in the world to get put on the back burner with a new or budding company.  Lets take a look at some reasons why you need to make sure you do NOT neglect the social media aspect of your company.


1. First and foremost, when we start a company we are obviously doing so to make money and you are obviously interested in a profitable ROI.  Good thing about social media is that it requires very little monetary investment to make a big impact on how popular your company is!  This avenue allows you to show that you have real communication with your target market, as well as your customers.  If you can bring the company to a personal level with the people you want to buy your product, they will have much more inclination to purchase your product, seeing you interact with them on a daily basis via social media.

2. Duh.  Social media is everywhere, and it is nearly everything.  I should not even have to state this.  There are over 1 billion Facebook accounts, 200 million twitter accounts, and youtube has as many users as Facebook does.  No, I haven’t even brought up Instagram, google+, Pinterest, etc. Just the fact that my word processor does not autocorrect any of those should show that we have a giant amount of reason to use them as marketing avenues.  Your audience is literally unlimited.  One could almost say in social media, the world is your oyster!

3.  It does not actually take much time to manage social media.  You may think you don’t have the time to do it, but in reality, once you set the account up and get everything where it should be, it actually requires very little time commitment.  Lets take twitter for example….at this time, twitter allows 140 characters in a post.  Even if you are the most careful ad text writer on the planet, that is not going to take more than 10 minutes of your time under any circumstance.  Yet, it will get YOUR logo and YOUR words in front of as many people as you can possibly attract.

While social media can just add another iron to the fire, it is an extremely cheap yet productive iron.  Please do not neglect social media in favor of other ideas that may seem more important at the time.  MAKE the time for social media, and in turn it will make you money.

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