John Chow dot Com 2012 Blogging Annual Report

We’re at the end of 2012 and that means it’s time for the John Chow dot Com Blogging Annual Report. This is where I tell you all the cute stats and milestones the blog achieved in 2012. Thanks to WordPress, this job is actually quite easy because they have prepared the annual report for me in a nice infographic.

Some of the highlights from the annual report includes me getting more visitors than a small European country!

About 55,000 tourists visit Liechtenstein every year. This blog was viewed about 9,500,000 times in 2012. If it were Liechtenstein, it would take about 173 years for that many people to see it. Your blog had more visits than a small country in Europe!

In 2012, there were 430 new posts, growing the total archive of John Chow dot Com to 4,734 posts. The busiest day of the year was April 27th with 67,073 views.

I wish to acknowledge the 2012 most active commenters. You guys are awesome!



See The Full John Chow dot Com 2012 blogging Annual Report