As some of you many know, I recently joined a new pay per tweet network call to see how they compare to Sponsored Tweets. The early results has been pretty amazing and I think every Twitter user should jump on this.
I knew that was well funded and had signed a lot of big celebrity tweeters commanding a very high tweet rate. What I didn’t know was that they’ve been getting some nice payouts for even the small time Twitter users. While my 50,000+ followers may seem big, it’s really small compare to a celebrity like Kim Kardashian with over 2 million followers. Still, Ad.Ly was able to get me $1,000 for my first tweet!
The tweet was already written by the advertiser so all I had to do was hit accept and did the rest. $1,000 for hitting a button! While $1,000 tweets maybe few and far between, the average rate has been getting me has been much higher than Sponsored Tweets. The second tweet got me was for $200.
Like Sponsored Tweets, is free to join and you have total control over what ads you accept and reject. You can also set your own price. However, will try to sell your tweets at the highest price they can get for it. And if an advertiser wishes to make you an offer, will present that to you as well.
If you are already signed up for Sponsored Tweets then you should sign up for as well. After all, it’s better to have two companies working for you than one. It will be a race between the two to see which one earns me more this month.