3 Proven Ways To Write A Blog Post Introduction

Do you want to supercharge your blog posts?

If your answer is a YES, I want to tell you where to focus at – the introduction.

Not much has been written about introductions. We know so much about headlines that even a toddler can craft a good one by simply reading what others have written.

However, the introduction is equally important. Most people have mastered the art of attracting readers to their post, but too often, the reader frowns. Or better yet, the reader just skims through the page and leave without saying “Hi.”

Join me to kill that blogging nightmare today. You can become a blogging superstar by knowing how to write blog post introduction.

The lede (the odd spelling of lead in Journalism) can be made better. The lede is the introduction; that first part of your message after the headline. It’s what determines if readers are going to skim or spend eons of time enjoying the content.

I want to share with you the 3 fail-proof ways to write a blog post intro that magnet your readers.

1.     Ask an emotional question

Psychologists have been known to produce great contents, since they can study the human minds and instill the right thoughts. If you can begin your introduction by asking emotional question, your reader will stick around.

People respond to their emotional needs, more than their physical needs. The pain of losing $100 is stronger than the pleasure of making $100 from affiliate marketing, for instance.

So, when you introduce your post with a BANG such as the one I used in this post, people will read through. How do I know? I know because you’re still reading. Lol!

2.     Use your strongest benefit

blog post introduction

The days of keyword stuffing is long gone.

Your target audience needs quality contents that can solve their problems.

They’re tired of living with pain and desperately need a proven solution that works.

Keywords don’t add a cubit to your reader’s life. You’ve got to eliminate the SEO mindset and just create the best content you can.

One of such ways to make your introduction a BANG is by using your strongest benefit.

Before writing a blog post, you must have an idea to pass across. Break the idea into shreds and select the strongest benefit.

Here is a typical example: In the world of PPC advertising, marketers are looking for the best strategy to get more profit, while spending less.

In order words, they want to make more money from little investment they make. And that is the strongest benefit of all. You could start your introduction like this:

In this article, I want to show you the 5 simple ways to spend less and make more money from PPC campaign. Did you see how I highlighted “spend less” first?

That’s a copywriting strategy whereby you address the pains first, before the pleasure. Use your strongest benefit to dazzle your readers.

3.    Tell a short captivating story

I love to tell stories. Most likely, your readers have been asking you to tell them a story but you wouldn’t just listen to them. Don’t you realize they’re human beings, with blood running through their veins?

A good story can make their day blissful.

But readers didn’t ask me to tell them a story, you ask?

Well, the truth of the matter is that they’ve done that countless times. When you read comments made on your previous and popular posts, you’d discover how commenters are sharing their experiences.

They can even go the extra mile to challenge the status quo. Now, that’s story in disguise.

And you don’t have to fake a story. Your life’s experience is enough to write a 1000-page hard copy book and sell at Amazon. So, how do you tell a story that hooks? See example below:

In the evening of 12th December, 2001, I sat at the Balcony enjoying the cool breeze as I watched the Birds chirping and the mountains moving. That was the year when I launched my first blog that failed woefully.” Many ugly experiences have happened in my life, but I’m going to share the 5 awesome lessons that changed my blogging life in 2009.”

What is your take?

From these examples, I’m sure that henceforth, writing your blog post introduction wouldn’t be a hassle. Don’t just dwell on the headline alone.

Attracting readers to your blog post is only a step towards the real thing – conversion.

The introduction paves the way for much better things: subscription, comments and sales.

But I need you to do me a favor. Look at your last blog post. What strategy did you use to introduce the post? Was it an emotional question?

Did you use your strongest benefit or simply captivated the reader with an interesting story? Share in the comments below. Learn more about writing great headlines, introductions and quality contents from content marketing up. See you at the top!

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