Good news or bad news, it doesn’t seem to matter. My AGLOCO network just keeps growing. Today I passed the 10,000 members sign up mark. While this can be considered a milestone, I have a feeling it’s just the beginning of things to come.
AGLOCO Viewbar Details
The AGLOCO Viewbar will be available for download this month. According to the company blog, AGLOCO will be sending an email directly to each member when their account is authorized for Viewbar download.
As we have discussed, we will be releasing the Viewbar first to Members who joined first. Currently, the plan is to have the Viewbar first be available to Members with ID#s beginning in BBBB to BBBF (as well as Members with an ID# beginning in “AGLOâ€). This is about 50,000 Members. We will then continue releasing the Viewbar to more and more Members in the order in which they signed up (again, all Members will be notified by email when their account is authorized for Viewbar download).
Since my AGLOCO ID is BBBB0743, I will be among the first to receive the Viewbar. I’ll be sure to post more information on it once I download it. The initial Viewbar release will be for Windows Vista, XP, and 2000. Later, the company will release Mac and Linux versions. Until then, Mac and Linux users can log onto any Windows computer and accumulate their five hours. Hopefully, this will help you discover just how much better a PC is to a Mac.
Revenue and Ad Deals
AGLOCO has signed agreements with 17 ad networks to supply the Viewbar with ads from thousands of advertisers. They have also signed a few direct advertising deals. It’s good to know that AGLOCO is not putting all their eggs in one advertising basket.
AGLOCO is about to launch. This is an exciting time. Ten thousand sign ups is just the opening act. I expect to see sign ups increase significantly this month.