What Does Twitter Mean To You?

Today’s Twitter Question of the Day ask what does Twitter mean to you? I know that there are many people out there who still don’t understand what Twitter is and how it’s changing the face of social media. I have to admit that when I first discovered Twitter my thought was, “I don’t get it.” At first, Twitter seemed like one big chat room but as I started using it more, I started to see the true power of those 140 characters.

If you still haven’t signed up for Twitter yet, I recommend you do so and add me to your follow list. There’s really no need to fully understand it. Just start using it and you’ll soon get it.

What better way to show the power of Twitter than by asking my Twitter followers what Twitter means to them. I sent out the tweet asking that question during lunch at Vogue Chinese restaurant. These are the answers that came in in just a few hours.

@bgolat (Brian Golatka) says:
@JohnChowDotCom twitter to me is a public version of instant messaging.

@JomagHeredia (Jomag Heredia) says:
@johnchowdotcom Twiter is like a BIG scream so a lot of people will hear you, or the next 2.0 tool to network with related ones.

@fabfarm (fabfarm) says:
@JohnChowDotCom When the isolation of living on a ranch in the middle of nowhere gets to me, I can always ‘talk’ on Twitter. ๐Ÿ™‚

@ellajoe (Ellajoe) says:
@JohnChowDotCom something to do at work

@msleisure (Susan Hill) says:
@johnchowdotcom. I am often shocked at who knows who and how. If u follow lots of people, interesting relationships and jv’s emerge.

@valeriatimeless (Valeria) says:
@JohnChowDotCom Twitter is an exercise in writing. Makes your copy fast-paced, and your idea quite clear by cutting everything occasional.

@ugm (ugm) says:
@JohnChowDotCom Twitter means meaningful relationships with donors in a new, fresh arena, & live-from-the-field storytelling about our work

@Scorpiono (Scorpiono) says:
@JohnChowDotCom A way to get in touch with the "big guys" in the industry

@DirectAgents (DirectAgents) says:
@JohnChowDotCom– not sure yet, trying to make it all make sense.

@akmalwardak (Akmal Wardak) says:
@johnchowdotcom I really use twitter to construct a strong base for my upcoming blog. moreover, i keep up with kool guys like you JOHN!

@Karilyn (Karilyn Kempton ) says:
@JohnChowDotCom It is alternately useful, painful, interesting and infuriating, but always a great way to give everyone a voice.

@Geek_News (Geek_News) says:
@JohnChowDotCom I’m new to Twitter so I’m still trying to understand its full usefulness. But I like the ability to have live interaction

@nachase (nachase) says:
@JohnChowDotCom Twitter was the method that took me to BlogWorld Expo where I met you at the ML dinner. The ‘Power of the Tweet’ is amazing

@drigotti (Dave Rigotti) says:
@JohnChowDotCom means that I can communicate with a broad range of people quickly – great when I don’t have enough time to blog.

@d3marketers (SAMMY) says:
@JohnChowDotCom It’s all about socializing and sharing of thoughts and novel ideas on the net with like-minded people

@antnzdotcom (Anthony) says:
@JohnChowDotCom A way for us to be connected to the whole world without moving an inch from our bed.

@bobangus (bobangus) says:
@JohnChowDotCom Twitter is short form blogging. I share thoughts, comments and links with a community that I follow and that follows me.

@kompostela4u (kompostela4u) says:
@JohnChowDotCom Something new, nonstopping, messy and promising:)

@ChipperDave (ChipperDave) says:
@JohnChowDotCom Twitter is my ticket to expanding my social universe.

@chrisjacobson (Chris Jacobson) says:
@JohnChowDotCom Twitter to me means keeping up with the current trends. If I didn’t use Twitter, I’d feel out of the loop and rejected. ๐Ÿ™

@AndyBeard (Andy Beard) says:
@JohnChowDotCom With Twitter I can maintain visibility and engage my core community while I am a little to busy on my startup to blog

@leetorrens (Lee Torrens) says:
@JohnChowDotCom Twitter means faster access to the same information I was getting before AND access to information I WASN’T getting before

@GillianShaw (Gillian Shaw) says:
@JohnChowDotCom I agree with those who call Twitter the new email. Great conversation, a quick way to keep up, living and learning online.

@supergreenme (supergreenme) says:
@JohnChowDotCom Just starting out on Twitter! Have heard great things. Will use it to promote http://www.supergreenme.com/

@deege (deege) says:
@JohnChowDotCom Twitter is a tool I use to communicate with readers and other bloggers.

@starz0911 (Ramona) says:
@JohnChowDotCom My answer is too long to contact you, only 1000 allowed. Not sure where on your blog you want me to post.

@michaelkwan (Michael Kwan) says:
@JohnChowDotCom Twitter is my virtual office water cooler. Working from home, Twitter gives me a sense of having co-worker camaraderie.

@TylerIngram (Tyler Ingram) says:
@JohnChowDotCom twitter gives me over 300 people I can ask a question to. Easy to plan events with as well. Also great source of local news!

@tstrump (TStrump) says:
@JohnChowDotCom to me, Twitter means hearing from a diverse set of interesting people that I would normally never get to meet.

@bydls (Christine bydls.com) says:
@JohnChowDotCom twitter means: quick, friendly, helpful conversations with people I may never meet, but would want to. ๐Ÿ™‚

@Talkofthatown (Josten) says:
@JohnChowDotCom another way of communicating effectively with no strings attached

@Miss604 (Rebecca Bollwitt) says:
@JohnChowDotCom Twitter is a mini feed, a mini events planner, for information/link sharing, and a quick way to find a coffee date

@jsondy (jsondy) says:
@JohnChowDotCom For me Twitter is a connection to community and like-minded individuals.

@netchick (Tanya) says:
@JohnChowDotCom Twitter is my connection to my community… Its how I know what all my friends are, and broadcast my latest crap, too

@monicahamburg (monicahamburg) says:
@JohnChowDotCom Twitter is a pulse – a way to keep in contact with (& feel connected to) my friends & peers. & sometimes I learn stuff too

@Zombie_Plan (James Clark) says:
@JohnChowDotCom twitter means learning interesting things about people

@ayakobing (Ayako Bingham) says:
@JohnChowDotCom Twitter means networking, marketing and venting..

@FeedTheBull (FeedTheBull) says:
@JohnChowDotCom Twitter is a conversational piece, allowing me to connect with other like-minded individuals in near real time

@FeedingTheCrave (Eric Tan) says:
@JohnChowDotCom Twitter means to socialize on the go!

@claudgrrl (claudgrrl) says:
@JohnChowDotCom It means I can instantly get info from the ppl I enjoy following; lets me know what u had 4 lunch; makes me write short sent

@mpastrana (Mauricio Pastrana) says:
@JohnChowDotCom twitter = 0.6($regular_productivity)

@MichaelYurechko (Michael Yurechko) says:
@JohnChowDotCom in addition, it’s also where I get most of my news. RSS is dead, I follow bloggers who tweet their new posts/articles.

@MichaelYurechko (Michael Yurechko) says:
@JohnChowDotCom Twitter is my place to view everything my friends are up to around the world. As well as a place to make fun of @michaelkwan

@jojospaghettio (Joe Spaghettio) says:
@johnchowdotcom twitter? Is a way to keep in touch with friends and family srorre.com joe.Spaghettio.com

@shanegibson (Shane Gibson) says:
@JohnChowDotCom It’s a way for independent entrepreneurs to "Connect" and be part of a community. doing your own thing is lonely at times!

@tjonsek (Tawnya Jonsek) says:
@JohnChowDotCom twitter is my place to stay current w/ events, trends & get a bit of humor in the mix.

@hummingbird604 (Raul) says:
@JohnChowDotCom For me, Twitter is a great tool to keep in touch with my friends, make new friends, and learn more about social media.