Brian Gardner, the creator of the Revolution WordPress Themes that Michael Kwan did a ReviewMe review on back in September is back again with a brand new revolution. This time, Brian has created a WordPress theme for the tech blogger and I have to admit, it’s one of the most functional themes I’ve ever seen.
If you’ve read Micheal’s review on the first two Revolution themes then you’ll known that these themes were not designed with personal blogging in mind. Instead, Brain’s themes caters to online magazines, newspaper, and other websites that need a professional look. The Revolution Tech theme provides the look that a professional technology blog would be looking for.
Revolution Tech – Lean, Mean and Clean
As you can see, the theme home page is extremely clean and professional looking with three clearly defined columns that separates all the various elements. One feature which is new to the Revolution series, is a featured video box in the sidebar of the theme, equipped to easily display videos. In addition, the home page is now configured for tumbnail images for each post. The home page acts as a portal for all the stories. Clicking on a story link will bring up a two column theme with the full article.
Ready To Be Monetized
The Revolution Tech comes ready for a 468×60 banner and several 125×125 buttons. I’m sure you can easily increase the number of buttons to six or more. Also, the individual news blocks on the home page and side bar are perfect for 300×250 ads. The theme’s white background allows for easy blending of TTZ Media and ads from other networks. You shouldn’t have any problems making money with this theme.
25% off December Sale
The Revolution themes can be purchased in three different ways, with the most economical being the 4-in-1 Special. This gives you the News, Sports, Magazine and Tech theme all in one package. you can use any of the themes as many times as you wish and the footer credits may be removed. It normally sells for $499.95 but Brian is offering 25% off during the month of December so you can pick it up for only $374.95.
If you want the Tech theme only (or any of the other themes), it can be purchased individually under two different licenses. The first is the Single-Use license for $99.95 ($74.95 for December). This gives you the right to use the theme on one site and the footer credits must remain intact. If you wish to use the theme for more than one site, then the Multiple-Use license at $249.95 ($184.95 for December) is for you. This gives you the right to use the theme on as many sites as you want and the footer credits can be removed as well.
I’m going to use the theme to test out a new tech/shopping blog. For the most part, the theme will remain the same but I’m gong to change the colors around. I think someone forgot to tell Brian that the official color of tech is blue. 😎