August normally signals the end of the summer internet blues, and judging by how well Google is doing this month I say I’m going to have a really good 4th quarter. There’s still a full seven days left in the month and already my Google earnings this month have beaten last month.
Like retail, web advertising is very seasonal – it’s slower in the summer because people are playing outside or taking vacations. This seasonality can create some budgeting problems for many webmasters. The difference in income between the summer months and the last three months of the year is huge. I did some checking with my Google stats from 2005 and my income for October – December 2005 was 225% higher than the summer months of May – July 2005.
The month from October to December is where the big internet money will be made. Advertiser will be all geared up for the Christmas season and they’ll be tossing money around like it’s running out of style. The last 3 months of the year will account for nearly 45% of my entire year’s income. That is HUGE!
If you have a site then now is the time to gear it up because summer is coming to end and you want to be ready for Q4. If you don’t have a site, then now would be the time to build it because the bonanza is about to begin! You don’t want to miss it, do you?